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How do non privileged user update the User Prompt

  • 1.  How do non privileged user update the User Prompt

    Posted 01-12-2025 21:15

    In our preview outbound campaign, we have created a script with button to transfer Answering Machines and Voicemail calls to a flow with automated message. 

    This recorded message/user prompt will regularly change depending on the type of campaign. How can I set this up where "Non privileged" user can update the user prompt. I was trying to configure the data table but i don't see option for updating the user prompt. any suggestions on this please ?



    Siddharth Desai

  • 2.  RE: How do non privileged user update the User Prompt

    Posted 01-13-2025 01:47

    Hi Siddharth,
    to understand your question better: Do you have a set of pre-recorded user prompts and the agents will have to somhow change, whitch prompt is played? Or do you want users to record new prompts?
    You wrote: "user prompt will regularly change depending on the type of campaign" - does this mean, that the prompt depends on the campaign or does the prompt changes regulary within a campaign?

    Christoph Domaschke
    Leiter Service Center (Cronbank)

  • 3.  RE: How do non privileged user update the User Prompt

    Posted 01-13-2025 18:07
    Edited by Siddharth Desai 01-13-2025 18:10

    Hey Christoph, 

    we have multiple surveys and depending on type of survey the user prompt will be recorded and updated/uploaded. The team that would be recording and uploading the prompts currently do not have access. At this stage team is reluctant to modify the roles and provide them the permission as suggested below by Robert, hence i am looking for some other solution.  

    Siddharth Desai

  • 4.  RE: How do non privileged user update the User Prompt

    Posted 01-13-2025 03:52

    Hi Siddarth,

    We have added a bespoke role for supervisors to have access to Architect and the Prompts tab ONLY. This allows them to see all prompts and also edit permissions ONLY.

    They have the permissions below on a separate role.

    BE WARNED we did alot of testing on this role to make sure the supervisors do not have flow access as some roles have the Architect > Flow > View enabled for milestone reporting and this opens the flows to be viewed by Supervisors. Please be careful how you build and distribute the role depending on your organisation.

    Robert Tyson
    Telephony Engineer

  • 5.  RE: How do non privileged user update the User Prompt

    Posted 01-13-2025 18:10

    Thanks Robert, we have discussed the permissions internally and team are reluctant to update the roles and has decided to look for other avenues. 

    Siddharth Desai

  • 6.  RE: How do non privileged user update the User Prompt
    Best Answer

    Posted 01-13-2025 18:18

    Currently, access to user prompts is all or nothing.  There is an idea for prompts to be division aware: Division awareness: Audio prompts & | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal.  Looks like it is delayed until late Q2 or Q3.  

    One option you have is to use TTS and use an SMS or Email address that allows users to change the TTS messaging without access to prompts.  Easily done with a messaging or Email flow and a data action.  Nice thing about SMS is you can look at the sender address for authorization.  

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 7.  RE: How do non privileged user update the User Prompt

    Posted 01-13-2025 18:36

    Thanks Robert, will suggest the options internally and decide on next steps 

    Siddharth Desai

  • 8.  RE: How do non privileged user update the User Prompt

    Posted 01-14-2025 01:20

    One more question 

    - As mentioned previously, a button in script transfers call to a outbound flow which will play a pre recorded message. Supervisors will record a new prompt and upload once the permissions are applied. So this way every time business runs a new campaign , they have to upload the new message and off they go. 

    what do we do in a scenario if we are running multiple campaigns at a same time

    yes i can create multiple scripts and outbound flows with prompt for each flow which can be updated but i am sure there could be a simpler way. Has anyone come across a similar set-up. 

    Siddharth Desai

  • 9.  RE: How do non privileged user update the User Prompt

    Posted 01-14-2025 02:59

    Hi Siddharth,

    as you transfer to an (outbound) call flow you should be able to transfer informations via participant data (the attriubute in the script must be configured as "output"). Please notice that its case sensitive and must be spelled the same way in script and in your outbound flow. In the flow you can receive the information (for example campaign name) via "get participant data" and with a switch on the campaign name you can use "finde user prompt" to find the matching prompt.
    To be more flexible you could name the prompt with a certain scheme: for example "PromptCampaignname" so when you transfer the campaign-name to the flow you could combine the "find user prompt"-string. In this way you would not need to make changes to the flow now and then.

    Christoph Domaschke
    Leiter Service Center (Cronbank)

  • 10.  RE: How do non privileged user update the User Prompt

    Posted 01-14-2025 19:47

    Thanks Christoph, that worked 

    Siddharth Desai

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