Workforce Engagement Management

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  • 1.  How to manage channel service levels

    Posted 10-24-2024 05:51

    At the moment we have voice, messages and emails routing through genesys but are struggling to achieve our service levels for our live channels (voice and chat) as we find agents are stuck answering an email. Our agent set up is as follows - that they can handle all channels (2 chats at a time) and emails are not interruptible. All queues are set up with standard routing.

    Leaving the system to run doesn't help us achieve our service levels and so we have been removing the email skills from some agents so that they can be available to take live contacts. I understand the system isn't designed to work in this way and affects the planning groups - does anyone have any suggestions for configuration I could look at which could help? 

    We are also finding our over/unders which show on the schedule are not reflective of what is happening (we look like we wouldn't struggle in the mornings when infact we have an email backlog from the previous day which needs to be answered and the email performance forecast is showing as 0%). If we are expected to achieve a 0% SL - why would it show we're over in certain intervals? Are the over/unders based on emails being interruptible? 

    Our forecasting is good and I feel like it's accurate so don't feel like it's a forecasting issue. We do have emails showing as being presented when we have no agents to handle contacts at that time (overnight) - we show under's during those times but the SL shows blank like it's disregarding the time which is correct. It seems like it's telling me to staff up periods where we wouldn't have anyone working - but not pushing those volumes out to periods where staffing is available - is this something to do with the configuration? 

    Any help is greatly appreciated!




    Chandni Kara
    MI Planning Specialist

  • 2.  RE: How to manage channel service levels

    Posted 10-29-2024 11:46

    What is your SL set at for email? We use multiple channels as well, but our SL for Email is just 80% answered in 2 hours, so those are interruptable. Voice and Chat are live interactions, so are not interruptable. However, because emails are interruptable, or people can have breaks/lunches/meetings scheduled and go while they have an e-mail interaction open (so it just keeps ticking away), the e-mail handle time for the forecast is inflated, which causes the forecasted agent need in the schedule to be off. We generally only use those numbers directionally for email (i.e. might be negative intervals all day, but they get really negative during certain periods so we know we may need additional coverage there). We filter e-mail out when looking at coverage for our live interactions. 

    But working it this way, we almost always meet our SL goals across the board.

    Angela Robinson
    Senior Workforce Management Analyst
    Alcon Vision LLC

  • 3.  RE: How to manage channel service levels

    Posted 10-30-2024 07:52

    It's currently set at 100% within 8 hours (our actual SL is 80% within 8 hours) - but I don't get an option to change it below 100% so used the service level to drop to 80% as a work around;

    When we introduced emails into genesys we did initially set emails as interruptible but found as you've mentioned that it was impossible to get an accurate AHT for the agents as agents. In general our forecasting accuracy is good (example below), so it's hard to understand why the figures on the schedule don't seem to align, it makes sense in your case where the email AHT is inflated;


    Is your set up of 80% in 2hrs just for the schedule purposes or is that your KPI target? Do you take into account when your offices are closed?

    Chandni Kara
    MIS admin coordinator

  • 4.  RE: How to manage channel service levels

    Posted 10-30-2024 11:24

    In the Service Goal set-up in WFM it's 100% within 2 hours because after a certain amount of time it considers it deferred work and won't let you go below 100%, but at the queue level it's 80% within 2 hours.


    And no, there is no way to account for closed hours that I know of. We usually start out missing SL on emails first thing in the morning and especially after a weekend or holiday, but we make it up throughout the day/week and come out meeting overall. We also don't use AHT as a KPI necessarily. We look at it for outliers to identify coaching opportunities or determine when we may be getting more complicated inquiries. If we did, though, we would likely just exclude the email handle time since it's not reliable. We choose to allow a live interaction to interrupt an email for customer satisfaction.


    Angela Robinson

    Sr. Workforce Management Analyst




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