Title: Quality Management on Genesys Cloud
This workshop provides an overview of the capabilities of the Quality Management module in Genesys Cloud. We showcase the importance of a good quality program which can improve customer and agent experiences and show you how to get started.
OnDemand Link: https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/4628506/2664F060DF5A093C7C68E92EA411EF88
Quality Program - Business Outcomes and Results
About Genesys Cloud Quality Management
Automating Quality Scoring using Speech & Text Analytics
Key Takeaways:
- How to automate policies to record, store, and identify which interactions to focus on for evaluations.
- How to operationalize Best Practices having all of reporting data in one place on Genesys Cloud
- Identify key insights, execute quality evaluations, and schedule coaching
- Merge human insight with AI to swiftly manage quality and reduce bias in the review process
For new "How To" workshops posted each month, click this link: https://www.genesys.com/events/gcsm-workshop
Antwuan Rencher
Genesys - Employees