To my knowledge there is no built in webhook functionality to have TServer automatically send CTI events. You would have to build something like that using the Platform SDK.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-31-2025 00:59
From: Indhupriya Deisigan
Subject: Integrating Java application in Genesys engage lab platform
Hi Jim,
Thanks for sharing the documents. I understood that connecting to Tserver, will be able to receive the messages when call is triggered or answered without any external subscription call. I hope my understanding is correct.
I'm also considering an alternative approach for my case. Is there a possibility or feature in Genesys Engage that allows receiving unsolicited events when CTI events occur via Webhook URL. If yes, how to register or configure the Webhook URL in Genesys engage on-premises.
Could you please provide me details on this if any.
Indhupriya Deisigan
Original Message:
Sent: 01-29-2025 11:19
From: Jim Crespino
Subject: Integrating Java application in Genesys engage lab platform
Hi Indhupriya,
The docs for the Genesys Engage Platform SDK are here: That is the top level link and should provide you a deployment guide, developer guide, examples, etc.
There are great docs on how to connect to TServer and there are also pre-built samples that do this as well.
I believe that you may need to setup a server object in the Config layer to let it know about your server (type, host, and port) and then you may need to add a connection to that server in the TServer configuration so that TServer will allow your app to connect. But other than that simple configuration setup, I don't think there is much else that needs to be done.
I'll be honest with you, I have developed apps for Genesys Engage for quite some time now. Nor do I have access to a Genesys Engage platform. So I'm afraid I can only provide some basic advice. Hopefully that advice and the docs will help you make some progress.
Jim Crespino
Senior Director, Developer Evangelism
Original Message:
Sent: 01-29-2025 10:14
From: Indhupriya Deisigan
Subject: Integrating Java application in Genesys engage lab platform
Hi @Jim Crespino,
My use case involves Genesys Engage, where I need to monitor unsolicited events triggered by CTI events. From my understanding, since we are connecting to the Tserver to receive messages within the same LAN, authentication (such as OAuth) is not required.
Additionally, I'm curious about how to deploy this code within Genesys Engage platform. Any documentation or guidance on this process would be greatly appreciated. Note: Currently trying to run the code in host machine where lab setup is done.
Indhupriya Deisigan
Original Message:
Sent: 01-28-2025 09:54
From: Jim Crespino
Subject: Integrating Java application in Genesys engage lab platform
Hi Indhupriya,
I think I would need clarification to answer you question. Let me explain.
First you talk about using the TServerProtocol object to connect to TServer. That operation is part of our Genesys Engage Platform SDK that can be used with a Genesys Engage On-premise instance. The On-premise system did not utilize OAuth Client Credentials to connect to TServer. You can read about the how to connect to a Genesys On-premise server here:
There is also a hosted version of Engage called Genesys Engage Multi-cloud. Multi-cloud has a different set of APIs/SDKs and does use OAuth Client Credentials to connect, but it doesn't expose access to TServer via the TServerProtocol object and the Genesys Engage Platform SDK cannot be used with Multi-cloud.
So if you can clarify what version of Genesys Engage you are using and maybe the use case you are trying to implement then I can give you better direction.
Jim Crespino
Senior Director, Developer Evangelism
Original Message:
Sent: 01-28-2025 08:33
From: Indhupriya Deisigan
Subject: Integrating Java application in Genesys engage lab platform
Thanks @Jim Crespino. I would like to ask how to get client credentials from the Genesys Engage Lab to perform Authentication before connecting to Tserver
Indhupriya Deisigan
Original Message:
Sent: 01-27-2025 09:32
From: Jim Crespino
Subject: Integrating Java application in Genesys engage lab platform
You executable can run on any machine as long as you can connect to the TServer's host and port. Typically your executable just has to be running within the same LAN or subnet to be able to reach the TServer. Once you are connected you should then be able to register a DN and start receiving events.
Jim Crespino
Senior Director, Developer Evangelism
Original Message:
Sent: 01-24-2025 02:10
From: Indhupriya Deisigan
Subject: Integrating Java application in Genesys engage lab platform
Can somebody help me on this. Using Tserverprotocol i'm making connection to genesys tserver. By providing the hostname and port name will I be able to connect with Tserver or do I need to deploy my code in genesys platform
Indhupriya Deisigan
Original Message:
Sent: 01-17-2025 08:52
From: Indhupriya Deisigan
Subject: Integrating Java application in Genesys engage lab platform
How to register java application in Genesys engage platform to get Client credentials, which I can use it for further processing? Could anyone help me on this.
Indhupriya Deisigan