Workforce Engagement Management

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  • 1.  interactions analyzed and answered do not match

    Posted 10-30-2024 10:25
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    I am looking at a specific queue that received 29 calls last month, of them 27 calls were answered, but when I look at the same queue for Topic Trends it says that 43 interactions were analyzed. HOW???? we only answered 27 calls where did the other 16 interactions come from?


    Conor Twomey

  • 2.  RE: interactions analyzed and answered do not match

    Posted 10-31-2024 11:17

    Hi Conor, can you a raise a CARE ticket for this? Support should be able to investigate then.

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: interactions analyzed and answered do not match

    Posted 11-20-2024 08:33

    Hi @Conor Twomey

    I had this issue and raised a ticket as suggested.  The response I got was: "its quite normal behavior to have more analyzed interactions than offered. The Total Interactions Analyzed data is basically the summarized data across all topics – how many total interactions were analyzed, not just the topic could have more than offered if there are more than 1 topic identified. Essentially it would not be ideal to balance the offered interactions by the number of analyzed interactions."

    I hope that helps.

    Heather Henderson

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