I would say to check your date. Also, maybe make a change today, look at today's activity by changing the date up top and you should be able to see the change, it tracks by day, so you do have to have the correct date.
On another note, on 8/5/24, we had Genesys issues, I assume everyone did, we later found out that when they restored the system, skills and queues were added to our agents. In the View is showed up as being done by SYSTEM, so that was our best explanation since these is no time table to handle this.
Judy Jimenez, Call Center Operations Manager
CURE Auto Insurance
Original Message:
Sent: 08-08-2024 14:01
From: Shane Jenkins
Subject: Is there ability to track if a supervisor or admin is changing an agents status?
Thanks for the screen shot.
Strangely, we cannot recreate what you are seeing. We have access to both a Commercial and FedRAMP instance of Genesys Cloud. We change an agents status in either Org and refresh the audit viewer, nothing seems to show for the status change. Strange.
Thanks again.
Original Message:
Sent: 08-08-2024 10:27
From: Judith Jimenez
Subject: Is there ability to track if a supervisor or admin is changing an agents status?
Sure - this is telling me who updated someone, you then have to search for who the agent it, so it is not exactly pretty, but you can get to it. You gave to extract the Agent ID number to get to that.
Once I open an item, I will see the screen below.
Original Message:
Sent: 8/8/2024 9:53:00 AM
From: Shane Jenkins
Subject: RE: Is there ability to track if a supervisor or admin is changing an agents status?
Hi Judith,
Interesting. Do you mind sharing what it typically looks like within Audit Viewer? We tested and were unable to see any indication of an agents status change in there. We were hopeful it would show up, but we couldn't find an audit viewer entry.
Original Message:
Sent: 08-08-2024 09:27
From: Judith Jimenez
Subject: Is there ability to track if a supervisor or admin is changing an agents status?
There is a way, you need to have Admin clearance to Troubleshooting and Audit Viewer. It is not the easiest to read until you get use to it.

Judy Jimenez, Call Center Operations Manager
CURE Auto Insurance
Original Message:
Sent: 08-07-2024 22:26
From: Corey Blosser
Subject: Is there ability to track if a supervisor or admin is changing an agents status?
I found these ideas. The first shows delivered and the second shows Future Consideration. Is the status for the first idea a mistake? I have a feeling there may be a misunderstanding of what OP for the first idea is requesting.
Audit Viewer to show who changed agent | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal (aha.io)
Audit Supervisors Changing Agent Status | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal (aha.io)
Corey Blosser
Wolters Kluwer
Original Message:
Sent: 08-07-2024 13:27
From: Cameron Tomlin
Subject: Is there ability to track if a supervisor or admin is changing an agents status?
Hello Shane,
At this time I don't think there is a way to track this, without opening a case with a UI Care Engineer. I looked into our ideas portal as well and couldn't find any ideas regarding this as well.
I also checked our audit viewer and did some testing with this and couldn't see any status changes. The best we have is the agent status view within the performance tab and you can see status changes on the agents.
My suggestion would be to create an Idea in our ideas portal here to add a filter to the performance tab to see who changed the agent status.
Hope this helps!
Cameron Tomlin
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 08-06-2024 14:24
From: Shane Jenkins
Subject: Is there ability to track if a supervisor or admin is changing an agents status?
Hi all,
We are in the midst of migrating from PureConnect and have ran into a challenge to which it seems some agents status are being changed.
Within PureConnect we can determine if a supervisor or another admin changed the agents status from say Break to Available. Is there any method to determining if someone is intentionally changing another agent/staff members status? I have searched and haven't located that ability, but I may have overlooked it. We were hoping that it would show in the Audit Viewer.
Thanks in advance.