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Is there any way to allow certain users to see certain dashboards?

  • 1.  Is there any way to allow certain users to see certain dashboards?

    Posted 05-26-2023 05:19

    Is there any way to allow certain users to see certain dashboards?
    For example, I would like to allow only supervisors to see certain dashboards. 


    Hanako Inoue
    Fujitsu Ltd

  • 2.  RE: Is there any way to allow certain users to see certain dashboards?

    Posted 05-26-2023 19:25

    A dashboard owner can make their dashboard public and anyone could see it.  There is probably be the ability to have dashboards in divisions and soon there is a sharing feature coming.  

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 3.  RE: Is there any way to allow certain users to see certain dashboards?

    Posted 05-28-2023 20:27

    Thank you for your reply.
    Is it possible to make "user A" can see "dashboard A" but cannnot see "dashboard B",on the other hand, "user B" cannnot see "dashboard A", but he can see "dashboard B"? 

    I have two user groups in the same organization,  and I would like to make dashboards for each of them which cannot be seen each other.

    Hanako Inoue
    Fujitsu Ltd

  • 4.  RE: Is there any way to allow certain users to see certain dashboards?

    Posted 05-28-2023 20:38

    Not at this time.  You might be able to use divisions later in the year.  

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 5.  RE: Is there any way to allow certain users to see certain dashboards?

    Posted 05-30-2023 01:38

    Greetings Hanako,

    As it is currently impossible to share a private dashboard how I would solve this:
    Create the required dashboard and note the steps. (Include screenshots)
    Then send out those instructions out and have the supervisors create their dashboards for themselves as private dashboards.
    The rights within Divisions should take care of the seperation.

    Or you need to let go of the seperation for now and make the dashboards public.

    If you want to do neither, you could make do with for example "My Queues Activity" for now. But "My Performance" is limited.

    Andrew Lagarde
    KPN B.V.

  • 6.  RE: Is there any way to allow certain users to see certain dashboards?

    Posted 05-30-2023 01:44

    Thank you for your reply. I will think about implementing your ideas.

  • 7.  RE: Is there any way to allow certain users to see certain dashboards?

    Posted 05-30-2023 07:47

    I solved the problem by making my dashbord public while meeting with the colleagues, that needed it. They made a private copy. Afterwards everybody made theri copy private. But it's no good solution, if you have regular updates to do on the dashboard (including new employees etc.))

    Christoph Domaschke

  • 8.  RE: Is there any way to allow certain users to see certain dashboards?

    Posted 05-30-2023 08:42

    It really makes no sense the current status and how they never thought about this... at our org some dashboards that i made are displayed on screens and i am the only one who can edit them and modify them, not even other admin colleges could edit my own dashboard, it really needs a sharing permissions feature and urgently.

    Hernani Ferrando
    [EBTS Pro Assist N.V]

  • 9.  RE: Is there any way to allow certain users to see certain dashboards?

    Posted 05-30-2023 09:51

    I would think this type of need would be a candidate to be added to the Ideas lab.  Along with being able to make a dashboard public, but also being able to share with specific individuals, Teams, group...  

    Mark Pierson
    Ally Financial

  • 10.  RE: Is there any way to allow certain users to see certain dashboards?

    Posted 05-30-2023 10:56

    We are working on enhancing the dashboard shareability functionality. The corresponding idea is Dashboards: Enhance dashboard sharing | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal ( We are currently running user research to understand the use cases at a deeper level and our goal is to validate the needs around sharing with individuals, work teams and divisions. Please let me know if you have any questions and/or any feedback.


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 11.  RE: Is there any way to allow certain users to see certain dashboards?

    Posted 05-31-2023 02:57

    If you post this in Idea Lab I will vote for this idea!

    Christoph Domaschke

  • 12.  RE: Is there any way to allow certain users to see certain dashboards?

    Posted 05-31-2023 02:58

    If you post this in Idea Lab I will vote for this idea!

    Christoph Domaschke

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