Hello Osama,
I think another way if you can use Web Messenger feature and using only the Knowledge Portal section. Then create a simple page that uses the Web Messenger deployment to display the KB articles.
When the page is rendered from a Web server the Knowledge Base linked to the deployment will show agent can use that page to search and view articles as if they were an external customer.
Things to consider:
- You will need to have the proper GC licenses to use Web Messenger
- You need a web server to publish the Web page and agents need to have access to the web page.
- you will probably have fees from Genesys as now your agents are using the KB as if they were external customers, this might consume/exceed your tokens.
Probably the last one will prevent you to go further, and you need to stick with access from the Admin Tab, anyways, here it is the idea.
You create a simple Web Messenger configuration and set the Knowledge Base you want to use (you can assign only one) then create the Web Message Deployment.
Once you have the Message Deployment published, you use the snippet code Genesys provides, you can place it in a existing Web page or you can create a simple one. The trick is that inside the HTML body you need to have a div section named "genesys-support-center"
Example: <div id="genesys-support-center"></div>
Attaching example of simple HTML page using the snippet. (to be replaced by a real snippet code).
General Information: https://help.mypurecloud.com/articles/about-knowledge-portal
And https://help.mypurecloud.com/articles/knowledge-portal-quick-start-guide/
Camilo Montes
i3Vision Technologies Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 08-26-2024 03:47
From: Osama Issa
Subject: Knowledge Base
Hello Everyone!
I want to ask if there is anyway agents can view articles on knowledge base when not taking Interactions, I already got a way by giving them permissions to view knowledge base from Admin Tab but I'm looking for another way instead.
Osama Issa
Fourth Dimension Systems LLC