Good morning Fatemeh.
Thank you for your feedback.
My thoughts are to leave both ExternalID and Contact ID columns separate would be an easier way forward.
Are there any discussions internally to have this whole process automated through an LDAP sync?
As we are already identifying which AD Fields are to be mapped and which are the Primary identifiers.
The next logical step is to create an LDAP sync from AD to External Contacts directory, which is then updated when changes occur in AD and (optionally) when the External Contact record is updated. From an IT perspective as AD is the source of truth for Organisations, it would always be a one-way sync from AD to the External Contacts database.
Currently this is capability is missing and should be looked at soon, these two ideas were first created back in 2022.
Now, I did come across this that mentions there is an initiative "on expanding and scaling External Contacts integrations with external sources."
Thank you for your time.
Bernard Soh
Original Message:
Sent: 01-19-2025 22:15
From: Fatemeh Toyserkani
Subject: Limitation: Merging Identified Contacts with CSV Imported Contacts in External Contacts Bulk Import
Hello Bernard,
Previously you had all your contacts imported via the old CSV, and the Contact ID was used to fill out UUIDs from AD ?
If you choose to re-import contacts from AD, and fill-out ExternalID field with the AD UUIDs, as long as there's an email or phone match, the old contact will be merged with the new ones you import. The Contact ID field will remain unchanged. It is a completely separate field.
We are debating / discussing migrating ContactId data to ExternalID for all those contacts that have Contact ID filled out previously.
I can keep you posted of the decision/results.
Mojdeh Toyserkani
Director, Product Management - Data Platform
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 01-16-2025 22:56
From: Bernard Soh
Subject: Limitation: Merging Identified Contacts with CSV Imported Contacts in External Contacts Bulk Import
Hi Fatemeh.
Hope this finds you well.
The Old Import format uses the 'Contact Id' as an identifier, while the new Import format uses 'External Id' as an identifier.
If an existing Org with the old 'Contact Id' chooses to use the new format primarily because they now want to link it to an external source (AD).
What happens to the old 'Contact Id' field?
Will it be overwritten with the newer 'External Id' field if the contact matches both Email and Phone Number fields?
Thank you.
Bernard Soh
Original Message:
Sent: 11-22-2024 11:47
From: Fatemeh Toyserkani
Subject: Limitation: Merging Identified Contacts with CSV Imported Contacts in External Contacts Bulk Import
We do not have a Beta release planned for these fixes. They will be released directly to GA, with the timeline set for March 2025.
Once the changes are GA'd, I'll post an update here. This will be part of a larger epic that includes additional enhancements to the existing CSV Bulk Import feature, such as Division Support.
Mojdeh Toyserkani
Director, Product Management - Data Platform
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 11-20-2024 16:59
From: Jason Kleitz
Subject: Limitation: Merging Identified Contacts with CSV Imported Contacts in External Contacts Bulk Import
Thanks for that info Mojdeh!
Will the upcoming changes be part of a public Beta?
Jason Kleitz
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Original Message:
Sent: 11-20-2024 12:23
From: Fatemeh Toyserkani
Subject: Limitation: Merging Identified Contacts with CSV Imported Contacts in External Contacts Bulk Import
Known Limitation:
In the current version of the External Contacts CSV Bulk Import feature, if there is only one identified contact that matches a contact being imported from the CSV ( by phone number or email address), the identified contact will not automatically merge with the imported contact, and the identified contact will not be promoted into a curated contact.
However, if there are multiple identified contacts matching the imported contact, the system will merge them, resolving the issue for the user.
Recommended Workaround: To ensure smooth merging of contacts during CSV import, follow these steps:
Prepare Your CSV:
Remove phone and email fields from the CSV OR Alternatively Uncheck the "Match Contacts By: Email and Phone" fields in your import profile.
Ensure all rows include valid ExternalIDs.
Leave the default match and merge conditions unchanged in the import settings page.
Upload and import the CSV File:
Update Your CSV:
Add the phone and email fields back to the CSV, ensuring that ExternalID fields remain the same.
Leave the default match and merge conditions unchanged in the import settings page.
Upload the Updated CSV:
Future Enhancement:
In an upcoming release, we plan to address this user experience issue. Genesys Cloud Admins will be able to ensure that identified contacts (with phone or email data autogenerated by the platform) that match the CSV records are enriched and always transformed to curated contacts and merged.
For more information about the the new CSV Bulk Import feature for External Contacts, checkout the enhancement announcement and the video.

Mojdeh Toyserkani
Director, Product Management - Event Data Platform
Genesys - Employees