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  • 1.  Managing Annual Leave

    Posted 30 days ago

    Hi All,

    Just wondering how different companies manage Leave?

    We operate a 24 x 7 Call centre, and being in Australia, our Shift Workers get 5 weeks leave every 9 months (due to rotating rosters, and some Accumulated Time).

    Due to the amount of leave we have to manage, we book the whole next Financial Year in Adance,

    We have discovered, that entering a Time-Off Request, locks in the Work Plan at the time the request is entered. If a Staff member changes Role, or Teams, then you have to delete the time-off's then re-enter them, or it produces rosters with their old work-plan.

    Has anyone else experienced this, and do you have a work-around?

    Many Thanks



    Wayde Masters
    Royal Automobile Association of South Australia (RAA)

  • 2.  RE: Managing Annual Leave

    Posted 23 days ago

    @Damaris Scott is this anythig you can help Wayde with?


  • 3.  RE: Managing Annual Leave

    Posted 23 days ago
    Edited by Eric Hagaman 20 days ago

    Hello - yes this is the current behavior.  This ensures that the number of paid hours estimated for the full day time off request (for a date not in a published schedule) is estimated to consume, is the number of paid hours that gets generated in a shift for that day when you generate the schedule.

    What additional options would you like to see in the product?  for example, break that link, and then the schedule generated could be for a different # of paid hours than was approved (example full day time off estimated to consume 8 hours, shift generated is for 4 hours) .... or establish a default for classifications of agents for certain days of week, like full time agents assume M-F 8 paid hours, etc.   Love to hear your thoughts & also ask you log your preferred future behavior as an idea in the idea portal.

    Update: wanted to supply some more information about how the system currently functions: In the situation where a Time Off Request for a day without a published schedule is evaluated and the agent's Work Plan is used to estimate the amount paid hours that should be consumed by that request, that number of paid hours is remembered by that Time-Off Request so a consistent amount is debited through the life of that Time-Off Request, it does not impact schedule generation as implied above, so sorry for any confusion. 

    Would still like your feedback, is this behavior helpful (ensuring the same number of hours from approval time is still debited even if the shift ends up being different once published?) is there a different behavior you would expect or like to see?  


    Eric Hagaman
    Product Management Director
    Genesys - Employees

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