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  • 1.  Manually Initiated SMS Prevention

    Posted 06-19-2024 21:51


    I am investigating options for prevention of manually initiated outbound interactions via SMS.  I've worked before with using DNC lists / list management to prevent campaign based SMS, but I am not sure if it is possible to do something similar to this with a manually initiated contact.

    The use case is there is an external REST API data point intended to operate as a control on the ability of agents to manually initiate outbound SMS activity to a contact.

    I've come up with a bit of a hack solution in the form of triggering /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/disconnect via a trigger / workflow as the call begins.

    This results in the interaction basically just terminating a moment after the attempt is started.  I've found it takes about a second to happen not accounting for any actual lookup time for the rest API to collect the information about whether the suppression should happen.

    I view this as something of a hack solution though and I am curious if anyone has a better approach.




    Matt Riedl
    Acliviti, LLC

  • 2.  RE: Manually Initiated SMS Prevention

    Posted 06-20-2024 20:19

    I'm just checking on this: did you try to leave the "Outbound SMS Number" for the Queue(s) under the question empty? 

    Tatjana Knezevic

  • 3.  RE: Manually Initiated SMS Prevention

    Posted 06-20-2024 22:43

    No, I have a SMS number defined for the relevant queue, but I am not sure I follow the question contextually to the problem I am solving for.  Could you clarify?

    Matt Riedl
    Acliviti, LLC

  • 4.  RE: Manually Initiated SMS Prevention
    Best Answer

    Posted 06-21-2024 14:36

    Hi Matt,

    Can you take one of your SMS Queues where you are routing the Messages from your Inbound Message Flow (I assume you have more than one Queue). It would be even better if you use a Test SMS Queue in case you have it.  

    For the selected Queue, under the Message Tab, remove the SMS number as found in "Outbound SMS Number" from the configuration. You should be able to send and reply to the messages (routed to the Queue via Message Flow).  However, you won't be able to send a message "On Behalf Of Queue" .

    Tatjana Knezevic

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