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New Course Release: AI/Bots - Dialog Engine Voice Bots – Guided Self-Study

  • 1.  New Course Release: AI/Bots - Dialog Engine Voice Bots – Guided Self-Study

    Posted 10-03-2024 13:46

    Genesys Beyond is excited to announce the release of a new course (and a new course format): Genesys Cloud: AI/Bots - Dialog Engine Voice Bots – Guided Self-Study

    This is a new course format for Business Users, System Administrators and Bot Creators that want to get hands-on experience with Dialog Engine Voice Bots on their own time, without having to schedule and attend a full Instructor-led class. This course still offers videos from our world-class instructors as a guided walkthrough of insights and suggested steps along with the opportunity to perform those same tasks via a virtual machine and step-by-step lab instruction.

    Content-wise, this course introduces you to Dialog Engine Bot flows for dialog or voice bots. Voice bots enable businesses to improve their self-service capabilities, provide personalized customer experiences, and generate revenue growth. In this course, you will learn how to set up and configure voice bots using Dialog Engine Bot flows and, more specifically, be able to do the following:

    Identify the roles and permissions required to create voice bots.
    Create a voice bot flow.
    Set up the NLU components.
    Test a bot flow.
    Add intents.
    Configure slot types.  
    Improve bot performance using intent mining and reports.

    Give Genesys Cloud: AI/Bots - Dialog Engine Voice Bots – Guided Self-Study a try and let us know your thoughts on it. Do you appreciate the freedom of hands-on exercises on your own time? Do you want to see more topics covered in this format?


    Bob Sterner
    Product Manager, Genesys Beyond

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