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  • 1.  New eLearning on Journey Management Charts

    Posted 12-20-2024 09:33

    Beyond is excited to announce the release of Genesys Cloud: Journey Management - Journey Analyzer - Building Charts.

    This new eLearning provides a comprehensive overview of charts in Journey Management. Charts provide valuable insights into customer journeys, enabling you to analyze trends, track progress, and drill down into specific customer behavior patterns. This course will show you how to build upon a customer journey with a variety of foundational charts to monitor journey trends and behavior patterns over time and between journey variables. You will explore use cases showing how to leverage different chart types to produce additional journey insights. This course will also cover how to troubleshoot chart errors.

    Because charts are built from a journey, it is recommended that you first take Genesys Cloud: Journey Management - Journey Analyzer if you haven't already. 

    Don't have Genesys Cloud Journey Management (GCJM) yet but want to? Contact your account representative or activate a free trial via AppFoundry!


    Lindsay Scarpaci
    Product Manager, Genesys Beyond
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: New eLearning on Journey Management Charts

    Posted 01-09-2025 14:48

    Hi !

    I'm new in Genesys  and I'm checking out training content and I find it very comprehensive and up to date, Thanks

    Carlos Gutierrez
    Solution Consultant

  • 3.  RE: New eLearning on Journey Management Charts

    Posted 01-10-2025 09:40

    That's great to hear, Carlos! Thank you for your feedback. If you have questions or want to discuss Journey Management further, just reach out!

    Lindsay Scarpaci
    Product Manager, Genesys Beyond
    Genesys - Employees

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