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  • 1.  new TTS does not work for dynamic streaming audio

    Posted 12-28-2023 10:18

    Hello, I wanted to ask for your support for the following problem:

    The Amazon Polly TTS was enabled, and it works without problems, it is applied to the corresponding flow, the digit capture and the TTS are configured, it plays it according to the assigned voice, but when it has to play an account balance, for example electric energy, if there is a debt, it reproduces with the default TTS, the balance is obtained from a client's WS and saved until it is reported.

    I look forward to your help.


    Pedro Carreño

    Pedro Carreno
    Sixtra Chile S.A.

  • 2.  RE: new TTS does not work for dynamic streaming audio

    Posted 12-28-2023 17:32

    What languages are you using in the flow and do you have any alternate sequences for audio in certain languages?

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 3.  RE: new TTS does not work for dynamic streaming audio

    Posted 12-28-2023 17:43

    Hi, The language that is enabled for the platforms is Spanish - United States (ES-US)

    Pedro Carreno
    Sixtra Chile S.A.

  • 4.  RE: new TTS does not work for dynamic streaming audio

    Posted 01-02-2024 08:27

    Hey Pedro, you asked this question in the Welcome Community. This forum is where my team will post site updates and it's a great place for members to ask questions about the community site, events, contests, etc. But please ask your technical questions in the appropriate product community. Like maybe Genesys Cloud



    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 5.  RE: new TTS does not work for dynamic streaming audio

    Posted 01-02-2024 08:33

    Also, on a recent episode of the Q&A Show, we talked all about Bots. In part 2, we discussed setting up flows in different languages. Some help may be in the episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7XsoUsFIXw&t=4s



    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 6.  RE: new TTS does not work for dynamic streaming audio
    Best Answer

    Posted 01-11-2024 12:09


    Good afternoon.

    I tell you that I was already able to solve the problem, and it was to change the data for an expression pointing to the data, that is, the following expression was created:


    With this I was able to make the TTS Polly deliver the amounts extracted from the WS

    kind regards


    Pedro Carreno
    Sixtra Chile S.A.

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