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Nominate A Community Rockstar Today!

  • 1.  Nominate A Community Rockstar Today!

    Posted 05-22-2023 11:59

    The Genesys community LOVES to show appreciation to members who go above and beyond to answer questions, create stimulating conversation, and make other members feel welcomed. That's why we created the Community Rockstars program! If you've been in the community and thought, "Wow, this person really helped me out! I wish I could tell them how much I appreciate them." Now you can. 

    All you have to do is fill out this simple form and voila! The person is nominated. After they are nominated, the community managers will look to see why you've chosen this standout performer. If selected, they will get: 
    -A prize off the rockin' 
    Prize Wall
    -A custom-made digital poster like this: 

    The Mad Hatter Rockstar Poster

    -A big shout-out announcement in the community
    -A rockstar badge and ribbon to adorn their community profile
    -And who knows what else we'll come up with. 

    So if you've come across someone who "fits the bill" ie., they are knowledge-sharers, mega-contributors, and friendly go-getters, then show some love by nominating them today! (P.s. there are no limits as to how many people you can nominate, so go crazy!) 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

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