EHY EEVRNOE (Hey Everyone!)
The final Community Olympics side challenge has come to an end. And the results for this World Scramble were pretty awesome! A few fun stats:
Almost everyone missed the plural "S" on Community Rockstars and not many people got the three-point bonus which was "Community Debut Challenge." But I was very impressed at how many answers people got correctly with that looming timer counting down. Way to go!
Now for the winner announcement and it comes with a TWIST!!! We had two competitors that got 12/17 correctly, in the three-minute time period, and neither got the bonus. So to end these Community Olympic Games in true good sportsmanship, we're awarding TWO gold medals to our tied athletes.
CONGRATULATIONS TO: @George Ganahl and @Richard Chandler!!! You both get to stand on the top podium representing the USA and the UK. I will be sending out a Google Form for you to fill out with your Prize Wall selection.
I'm not sure about you all, but we had a BLAST celebrating the Olympics with the Genesys Community. We are wrapping up our Minute to Win It and will be back soon with the results from that contest. I hope you all had fun and thanks to everyone who participated :)
Nicole Milliken
Genesys - Employees