Original Message:
Sent: 06-25-2024 13:25
From: Ashley Buck
Subject: Organizational Settings view help
Thank you! This worked. And the user can still view screen recordings (which makes zero sense given the permission name and description, but I'll take it!)
Ashley Buck
Delta Dental Plan of Michigan, Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 06-24-2024 18:05
From: Tatjana Knezevic
Subject: Organizational Settings view help
@Ashley Buck Oh, my sincere apologies for misunderstanding your question :-)
The permission you should remove from this Custom Role is:
Tatjana Knezevic
Original Message:
Sent: 06-24-2024 08:20
From: Ashley Buck
Subject: Organizational Settings view help
Hi! I'm actually trying to remove the view, not give additional access! :)
Ashley Buck
Delta Dental Plan of Michigan, Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 06-21-2024 18:01
From: Tatjana Knezevic
Subject: Organizational Settings view help
Hi Ashley,
It seems you are missing a couple of permissions from the Recording area. One way to find what permissions you are missing is to go to Quality -> Recording Management. Click on the integrated Help icon. The Help page should present the required permissions. To assign only the permissions needed for this, you can click on the hyperlink "Quality Administrator," and from there, you can see the permissions broken down per Role and feature (as in the screenshot below).
Please add the following permissions to your Role:
Recording Settings Edit Regional Storage
Recording Settings Edit Screen Recordings
Recording Screen Recording View
Recording Orphan Recording View

You can also find this at the resource center: https://help.mypurecloud.com/articles/quality-management-roles-permissions/
Tatjana Knezevic
Original Message:
Sent: 06-21-2024 16:13
From: Ashley Buck
Subject: Organizational Settings view help
Hello -
I am completely stumped and would love some insight. I have a custom role that I have built. It does not have access to anything on the admin tab (which is correct) except for a view only on the organization settings for recording management which I have been unable to remove. I have narrowed it down to a specific role that is giving it and I cannot for the life of me figure out which permission is giving access. I did a comparison to this role and another role and the permissions below are what this role has that the other does not, but none of them make sense for this view... any idea which permission is providing access to this?

It has to be one of these, but again, none make sense...
analytics:interactionEvaluationDetails:view |
analytics:speechAndTextAnalyticsAggregates:view |
audits:interactionDetails:view |
conversation:communication:view |
directory:userProfile:view |
directory:userStateChange:view |
recording:recording:restore |
recording:screenRecording:view |
reporting:acd:view |
reporting:customParticipantAttributes:view |
reporting:interactions:view |
reporting:outbound:view |
reporting:status:view |
routing:queue:join |
ui:agentDashboardEvaluations:view |
ui:supervisorActivity:* |
ui:supervisorAgentDetails:* |
ui:supervisorDashboard:* |
ui:supervisorDnisPerformance:* |
ui:supervisorPerformance:* |
ui:supervisorQueueDetails:* |
ui:supervisorScheduledCallbacks:* |
ui:supervisorStatusControl:* |
ui:supervisorWrapUpPerformance:* |
I'd rather not remove each one separately to narrow it further, but any insight would be great!
Ashley Buck
Delta Dental Plan of Michigan, Inc.