Original Message:
Sent: 01-21-2025 16:43
From: Jason Kleitz
Subject: Outbound Routes & Inbound Calls
Hey Adrian,
I took a quick glance at the case that you have opened with our Support team. Based on your last message above, the calls are not arriving to Genesys, so there is no pcap. If the call is being sent from your carrier to Genesys, we would have a log of any successful and unsuccessful SIP messaging. Based on what I have read, the error messaging is consistent with a call being sent into Genesys but we are unable to find the destination specified.
Jason Kleitz
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Original Message:
Sent: 01-21-2025 03:13
From: Adrian Rodriguez
Subject: Outbound Routes & Inbound Calls
These calls doesn't arrive to Genesys, so i can't see the pcap from my side.
The carrier send us this reason.
SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS xxxxxxx:xx;rport=28358;received=xxxxx:xxx;branch=z9hG4bK-UX-c0a8-0164-3118d6d
To: <sip:666666666@xxxxx:xx;user=phone>;tag=36c9-7fe7513d664c53665059cd2b7d18da52
From: <sip:9999999993@xxxx:xx1;user=phone>;tag=c0a80164-1917514;sgid=3
Call-ID: call-2A1B158E-9801-0010-0414-BD52CA@xxxx
CSeq: 103 INVITE
Content-Length: 0
So as you can see, they received a 404 not found.
I've openned a ticket with support to check this, the carrier said that they didn't change anything, but we continue on investigations of this issue.
Support said us this -->
This 404 behavior is consistent the absence of the trunk on any active Outbound Routes within the organization.
If the trunk does not exist on an active Outbound Route within the org, then any calls using that trunk's inbound identifier will result in a 404. A valid outbound route is required for calls to complete to and from BYOC Cloud trunks, even if those calls are purely inbound in nature.
I shared with them some examples, in PROD env its like support said but on LAB env no.. we are able to recive inbound calls also if the trunk doesn't are associated with any outbound route.
Any idea?
Thank You
Adrian Rodriguez
Original Message:
Sent: 01-20-2025 15:48
From: Robert Wakefield-Carl
Subject: Outbound Routes & Inbound Calls
I am guessing the same thing - check with the carrier to see if they are sending numbers at e.164 with the + and country code. The PCAP should show this.
Robert Wakefield-Carl
ttec Digital
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 01-20-2025 11:54
From: Michael Silverman
Subject: Outbound Routes & Inbound Calls
Hi Adrian,
Can you check with your inbound carrier what the SIP flow looks like? Is the call failing with a specific message like a 503 service unavailable or other?
Also, check with Genesys support to see what it looks like from the Geneys end (PCAP). The call may be successfully received and there is an issue with the routing. Is the inbound call being routed directly to an agent or an IVR?
Kind regards,
Michael Silverman
VP Operations
Original Message:
Sent: 01-20-2025 03:24
From: Adrian Rodriguez
Subject: Outbound Routes & Inbound Calls
Hi, Jason.
Thanks for your answer.
it's necessary to add in a outbound routes of the site the trunk that's carrying the inbound calls?
At this time, in the section that you mentioned i've configured the "Default" "This trunk is currently using a number plan from any cloud site that has an outbound route configured with this trunk. It is recommended to select a specific site."
What's the relationshipt between this configuration on the inbound section of the trunk and the inbound calls?
Adrian Rodriguez
Original Message:
Sent: 01-17-2025 06:33
From: Adrian Rodriguez
Subject: Outbound Routes & Inbound Calls
I've configured an outbound route with one SIPTrunk just for using it for outbound calls.
I receive the inbound calls throw another siptrunk (DID associated with this trunk)
In my main org this isn't works but for my LAB account it's working.
The configuration of the Inbound Trunks is equal in both ORGS.
To have this functional i had to configure the inbound trunk associated to an outbound route.
So, it's necessary to have the Inbound trunk associated to an outbound routed to be able to receive inbound calls?
Thank You.
Adrian Rodriguez