Thanks, Robert. We're specifically trying to gauge utilization of the CSV upload function for customers who are interested in segmenting their contacts by division. We're covered on all other creation methods.
Becky Powell
Director, Product Management
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 08-03-2024 22:24
From: Robert Wakefield-Carl
Subject: Poll: external contact csv upload
I think you mean Divisional external contacts not divisible, but semantics was never my strong point. I would have added three options and made a multiple choice pole:
- I need to upload contacts by CSV
- I need to add contacts via a sync to a CRM app
- I need to upload contacts via the API
- I need agents to choose division when adding contacts through the Profile widget.
Robert Wakefield-Carl
ttec Digital
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 08-01-2024 11:39
From: Becky Powell
Subject: Poll: external contact csv upload
We are trying to gauge utilization of csv upload for customers who plan to leverage divisible external contacts upon release in Q4. Can you please weigh in in our poll?
Becky Powell
Director, Product Management
Genesys - Employees