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  • 1.  Reason to deactivate queues before logging off?

    Posted 12-05-2024 08:26

    We have been having issues lately where agents are not receiving calls when they should be.  According to CARE, this is due to a known issue where agents are going On Queue without queues activated only to activate the queues afterwards.  The recommendation was to activate the queue(s) prior to going On Queue.  

    My question for the community is, does anyone see a reason to have agents deactivate queues each night only to reactivate them in the morning?  Is this beneficial in any way?  If not, is there a reason to allow agents to have the permission to deactivate queues?  



    Mike McCleery
    Workforce Planning & Reporting Manager

  • 2.  RE: Reason to deactivate queues before logging off?
    Best Answer

    Posted 12-05-2024 08:51

    Hi Mike,

    Personally I have never needed to de-activate/re-activate queues every night, but hopefully others will comment if there is a rational behind doing this.

    As I understand it, the development team are working on a fix for the issue you mentioned and will deploy it as soon as they can.

    Sam Jillard
    Online Community Manager/Moderator
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: Reason to deactivate queues before logging off?

    Posted 12-06-2024 12:00

    You could do this with a workflow and some data actions, but why not just use the Idle Timeout in ORG settings to log agents out automatically if they are idle for a certain period.  I really don't like giving activation into the hands of those pesky agents. My experience is that if there is a workaround to doing work, agents will find it.  

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 4.  RE: Reason to deactivate queues before logging off?

    Posted 12-07-2024 09:49

    Hi, Mike,

    The only somewhat sensible reason I've seen in the past for deactivating/activating each day is where the agents work different queues each day, and the queues worked may not be known until they are on shift.

    So, it is not normal to deactivate/activate each day, no. But, if the queues need to be changed during the day you could have supervisors do the activation, and then the supervisor can take the agents Off Queue and put them back On Queue after doing the activation... 

    George Ganahl GCP, GCSME, ICCE, ICHD, etc.
    Senior Principal PS Consultant

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