Genesys does not have a way like Nuance for phrase mapping slot fulfilment like the from to pattern you have. If you have two Any slots, it will just randomly choose which to match based on the confidence level and then if there is a tie, no telling how it chooses. Maybe it plays rock, paper, scissors between them.
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 07-09-2024 16:09
From: Anton Vroon
Subject: Relative dates in utterance
Thanks Robert,
Its odd though, because when I use Test NLU it assigns both date slots correctly. But not in the actual chat. Does it use a better/different NLU for test vs actual?
It gets even weirder if I use Friday as the relevant date, if I have a third slot with lets say a destination, and I use Friday as one of the 2 date slots, it also doesn't recognize the destination either, but does when I use other days like Monday etc.
Nuance isn't an option for us, so that is unfortunate.
Anton Vroon
Original Message:
Sent: 07-09-2024 01:12
From: Robert Wakefield-Carl
Subject: Relative dates in utterance
I assume that the slots you are using are both date/time slots and that could be the issue. Genesys unlike Nuance does not have good NLU when it comes to multiple slot fulfillment of the same time. Also, it does not allow a phrase to be part of the slot fulfilment so From Tomorrow to next week would not be able to distinguish between the two. Many times, you will either get only one filled or both filled with the same information. I usually use Nuance for something like this with grammars for the placement of the slots or just ask multiple questions.
Robert Wakefield-Carl
ttec Digital
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 07-07-2024 23:53
From: Anton Vroon
Subject: Relative dates in utterance
Bot questions, for anyone who can help:
If I have two different date slots in an utterance and one is a relative date, even though the NLU picks it up fine, in practice it doesn't

The top example (TEST 20/1/2025 AND 20/12/2025) works fine, the rest do not. Those values are fine in an Ask For Slot action, and NLU picks it up, so why doesn't it get assigned correctly in the intent collection?
If there is only 1 date in the utterance, even when relative it works fine, so just when there are 2 dates, and one or more a relative dates does it not work.

Is this a known limitation? Or is there something I should be doing different?
Anton Vroon