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  • 1.  RTA - Unscheduled vs Unavailable

    Posted 10-06-2023 07:46

    All, I know I'm missing something obvious but just can't figure it out.  How do I get someone's offline status and being unscheduled to sync up properly so I can use the RTA page better?  Right now we're just filtering out unscheduled but I'd like to not have to do that. 

    See screenshot attached.  At this time of day we only have a handful of people scheduled and their adherence is 100%, but because Unavailable/Unscheduled aren't matched up properly, the overall view shows 3%


    Chad Blanton
    North American Bancard

  • 2.  RE: RTA - Unscheduled vs Unavailable

    Posted 10-16-2023 16:42

    Hello Chad,

    Thanks for submitting your feedback.  You are correct in that the overall calculation is negatively impacted by your Unscheduled agents.  From a historical adherence standpoint, Unscheduled is not included in the calculation so it should be calculated correctly.  I have reached out to our engineers to have them take a look at the current calculation in the RTA screen as it should probably not include the Unscheduled agents.   I'll let you know as soon as I have more information on this.

    Belinda Herrera

  • 3.  RE: RTA - Unscheduled vs Unavailable

    Posted 10-17-2023 06:14

    Hey Belinda, thanks for the response.  Thought for sure I had to just be missing something.  I knew that it wasn't affecting the actual historical adherence calcs, thankfully.

    This would be a huge QOL update for teams/orgs with Adherence KPIs.  Like I said, we make do by filtering out the unscheduled, but the Adherence live view would be much more useful (and accurate) if the unscheduled were removed from the equation.

    Chad Blanton
    North American Bancard

  • 4.  RE: RTA - Unscheduled vs Unavailable

    Posted 10-17-2023 11:41

    Yes, I completely understand, having to filter them out is not ideal.  Quick question, this has been an ongoing issue for you correct?  Or was this something you noticed recently and wasn't an issue previously?

    Belinda Herrera

  • 5.  RE: RTA - Unscheduled vs Unavailable

    Posted 10-17-2023 13:47

    Ongoing as far as I know, but in my day-to-day I don't usually use the RTA view myself, so I'm not 100% sure.  My original post was the first I knew about it after a question from someone else in our org.

    Chad Blanton
    North American Bancard

  • 6.  RE: RTA - Unscheduled vs Unavailable

    Posted 07-29-2024 08:57

    It has been 8 or 9 months since this was posted and it has still not been fixed. I t seems like Genesys needs to work on fixing existing features that don't work before rolling out new features that don't work.

    Bruce Dunn
    Department of Technology & Information
    State of Delaware

  • 7.  RE: RTA - Unscheduled vs Unavailable

    Posted 07-30-2024 09:06
    Edited by Jay Langsford 07-30-2024 09:07

    Late posting, but when you say filtering out are you using the built-in functionality? The current approach gives flexibility for the user to decide what they want to focus on. E.g,. if I am only concerned with those that are scheduled with a negative impact I can filter the view correspondingly.

    Is the ask something like make that filter persist? If so, then we do persist filters set by the user per MU or BU. 

    After clicking on the 134 green jewel under Scheduled header:

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

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