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  • 1.  Schedule Generation for Headcount Forecasting

    Posted 08-01-2024 14:15

    How far in advance can we create schedules/forecast to look at required headcount forecasts and start anticipating staffing needs? 

    Currently cannot schedule past the beginning of January.  Want to be able to open all of 2025 up for forecasting and scheduling to get an accurate idea of required staffing, potential shifts, etc. 

    How do we go about opening it up? How far in advance can we create schedules/forecasts? 


    Shelby Cronk

  • 2.  RE: Schedule Generation for Headcount Forecasting

    Posted 08-12-2024 11:58

    Hi Shelby,

    I've reached out to our PMs and here is the response that I hope will help you!

    How far in advance can we create schedules

    26 weeks (this is 26 weeks to the start date so technically 32 weeks)

    Currently cannot schedule past the beginning of January.

    26 weeks would take you to the 10th Feb (as of today) so in theory you could generate a schedule for the 10th Feb - 23rd March   


    Continuous Forecasting will give 15 minutes for 1 year out and daily from 1 year to 2 years. Currently, we give 15 minutes for 6 weeks and daily after that until two years. 

    GA for Continuous Forecasting is currently Oct 28th and it will deliver the a read-only version of the "Main Forecast" which is a the Continuous Forecasting in a new UI and we will add Scenarios + Mods and Schedules in future releases. 

    to look at required headcount forecasts and start anticipating staffing needs? 

    We are building a new UI for weekly staffing requirements for up to 2 years using an ABM forecast (Continuous Forecasting will be added later).  As of now, we are projecting to release this by the end of this year.

    Want to be able to open all of 2025 up for forecasting and scheduling to get an accurate idea of required staffing, potential shifts, etc. 

    This will fall under Capacity planning and not scheduling - Capacity Planning will allow you to create a Capacity Plan for up to 2 yrs in which they will be able to see their requirements, compare them to their planned staffed to get an over and under number, see their projected service performance but they will not be able to see what potential shifts they will need. 


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