Hi Paul, thank you so much - I have fed this back to the relevant business areas & they also pass on their thanks.
Kind regards,
Chris Diaper
Cover-more Group Ltd
Original Message:
Sent: 07-24-2024 11:15
From: Paul Soulodre
Subject: Schedule time limit
Hi Chris,
The schedules previous to this year may not appear in the UI but you can access them by clicking on the Search link in the upper right of the schedules list. The dialog will let you select a schedule week. I don't think there are any limits for how long schedules are kept in WEM but I could be wrong.
Paul Soulodre
Alberta Motor Association
Original Message:
Sent: 07-24-2024 10:00
From: Chris Diaper
Subject: Schedule time limit
Hi all, please can you advise if there are any rules around how long schedules stay in WEM? We seem to be missing some from prior to January this year so it would appear this is a 6 month period but I cannot find this information posted to confirm.
Many thanks, Chris.
Chris Diaper
Cover-more Group Ltd