Thanks Jay; I did confirm that the agents can handle all route paths in the planning groups and are showing as members of the planning groups. I have to Orgs right now running into the same issue, so I may submit a support ticket.
Original Message:
Sent: 06-28-2024 10:01
From: Jay Langsford
Subject: Scheduling Validation Errors
For the first and third, my go-to answer is that agents cannot handle all of the route paths in the particular planning group. It is not sufficient for an agent to handle some, they have to be capable of handling all of the route paths that are configured. If there is divergence, then it could be planning group config issues, route path config issues (should always use search functionality to add to ensure it has real historic load versus ad hoc creation), queue/skill deletions/additions, forecasts that are based on older/prior planning group configurations and/or user capabilities (those changes require a new forecast and new schedule to be generated so latest PG config and user capabilities are taken into account). UI and doc note requirement regarding route path handling: Agents must be able to handle all of the route paths in this planning group to be scheduled against any of the route paths in this planning group.
The second one, if 'Minimum Time Between Shifts' is not selected (work plan | General Constraints tab), then I would check what value the 'Minimum Time Between Shift Starts' constraint has. At the Business Unit level you can govern which severity schedule messages should have - the ones related to the above two constraints all look to default to Information level and not Warning or Error level. By chance is the person assigned to a work plan rotations where the issue might exist when they rotate to another work plan?
If nothing obvious, then I would recommend opening a support ticket.
Jay Langsford
Original Message:
Sent: 06-27-2024 22:06
From: Shelby Cronk
Subject: Scheduling Validation Errors
Do you have any idea why a schedule would show these validation messages?
I have some confusion around the following:
"There is no work available for agent on Wednesday 7/17/2024" I see in the forecast that we do actually have volume forecasted for that day even for the specific agent's planning groups. Why else would this pop? I've seen this for several organizations even when there is volume forecasted.
"Could not schedule minimum distance from the start of previous day on Monday 7/15/2024" Agent's work plan is M-F 8-5 with no minimum time between shifts; why is this error popping?
"Agent is not configured to handle any work" When I have seen this in the past, it meant that agent was not configured to handle a planning group and was missing queues/skills/languages, but in several organizations now, I have seen it pop for agents who are in fact configured to handle planning groups.
Shelby Cronk