Hi Catherine,
Glad you fixed it and thank you for providing the solution here, that will help out the rest of the community if they have the same issue.
Sam Jillard
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 01-24-2025 04:03
From: Catherine DUPIRE
Subject: Send a link in a mail
Hi Sam. Thank you for your answer and your test.
In fact it depends on the pc from which we made the test.
We ffinally ixed the problem. Outlook automatically interprets when the link is a url which is not the case with genesys. So we added a <a href=> tag to the link, genesys now recognizes the url.
Thank you.
Have a nice day !
Catherine DUPIRE
Customer Success Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 01-23-2025 07:36
From: Samuel Jillard
Subject: Send a link in a mail
Hi Catherine,
Is it all links? I just tested in my org and had no issues opening hyperlinks from emails, so it may be to do with how the link is formatted. I would recommend raising a case with customer care and attaching network and console logs so they can investigate why the hyperlinks are not displaying as clickable
Sam Jillard
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 01-23-2025 06:02
From: Catherine DUPIRE
Subject: Send a link in a mail
Some of our clients send us url links by mail.
When the agent receive it, the link is not active, although it is active in the original mail.
Do you know how to receive the hypertext link in the UI interface ?

#Email #UserInterface
Catherine DUPIRE
Customer Success Manager