Hello Maloy,
This is a question that I think could better be suited for the developer forums, as I see you have already done. But let me do some testing and digging to see what I can find out.
I am curious myself to see if this can be done.
Cameron Tomlin
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 08-02-2024 03:31
From: Maloy Karmakar
Subject: Send ButtonResponse to Genesys Widget using JS SDK
Below is the code I am using to send URL as plain text, can I format the body to send it as button response which will open the URL in another tab? If yes, then how?
let body = {
"textBody": "https://google.com"
let opts = {
"useNormalizedMessage": false
// Send message
ConversationsApi.postConversationsMessageCommunicationMessages(conversationId, communicationId, body, opts)
Send ButtonResponse to Genesys Widget using JS SDK - Platform API / JavaScript SDK - Genesys Cloud Developer Forum
Maloy Karmakar
British Telecommunications PLC