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  • 1.  Send Knowledge Feedback action

    Posted 05-23-2024 01:34

    Hi everyone, 

    Does anyone know if this feature is already out, I see there is an option in the flow but unable to create the expression. I get the following error:

    Please let me know.



    #DigitalBots #Knowledge


    Phaneendra Avatapalli
    Monash University

  • 2.  RE: Send Knowledge Feedback action

    Posted 05-24-2024 12:23
    Edited by Bertrand Deglaire 06-03-2024 04:01

    Same question for me. Looking at, they give an example to populate the "Knowledge article" value, as they loop through Flow.searchResults wich is an array of KnowledgeBaseDocument.

    In my case, I simply show an article (using Show Knowledge Article action) but I don't know how to get back the value, to fulfill "Knowledge article" value.

  • 3.  RE: Send Knowledge Feedback action

    Posted 05-28-2024 16:52

    Hi, asking the same question, is there any solution to this?

    Marija Kovrlija
    Star Telecom

  • 4.  RE: Send Knowledge Feedback action
    Best Answer

    Posted 05-31-2024 17:58

    I had to use this a few weeks ago. Here's what I did:

    At the Wait for Input toolstep, I bound the Flow.searchResults variable to store all the knowledge answers retrieved.

    I then am referencing the first knowledge object in the array (of course, this is assuming this is the answer - MakeCommunication(Flow.searchResults[0].content) that was delivered to them)

    That should get you where you need to be.

    Peter Stoltenberg
    TTEC Digital

  • 5.  RE: Send Knowledge Feedback action

    Posted 06-07-2024 14:25

    For me this worked for Digital menu, when I captured value in Flow.KnowledgeSearchResult, and then in the KB confirmation task, I used Update data for Knowledge base article type, and saved Flow.KnowledgeSearchResult[0] to a value. And set that value as Knowledge Article in "Send knowledge feedback".

    However, this doesn't work when I use "show knowledge article" action, I don't know what to put in Knowledge Search ID.. any ides?

    Thank you!

    Marija Kovrlija
    Star Telecom

  • 6.  RE: Send Knowledge Feedback action

    Posted 06-07-2024 15:31

    Hi Marija,

    I think that might be a gap in the native toolset. You probably need to use the API for that :(

    Peter Stoltenberg
    TTEC Digital

  • 7.  RE: Send Knowledge Feedback action

    Posted 06-07-2024 15:42

    Thank you Peter. I looked at this article here
    at it says "Use the Send Knowledge Feedback action to capture customer feedback after the bot presents an article from a Show Knowledge Article action".
    I was hoping it would work, but it does say the feature is not out yet so it might be just that. 
    I will try with creating a data action, hopefully it will work

    Marija Kovrlija
    Star Telecom

  • 8.  RE: Send Knowledge Feedback action

    Posted 01-08-2025 05:04

    Hi Marija,

    Did you managed to get the "Send Knowledge Feedback action" working? Seems like its not out yet:


  • 9.  RE: Send Knowledge Feedback action

    Posted 01-08-2025 08:57

    Hi Yaw,

    Managed to do it with multiple data actions that i created. There is one api to send knowledge feedback (in developer tools you will find it) but it requires a few other parameters thus I had multiple data actions. But it worked that way (this is for when you have to manually update it). If you have "Did this answer your question" confirmation turned on in the knowledge base then you don't have to do it, it will do it automatically. So, only if it is turned off and you have a yes/no prompt that you created, then you will use the data actions.

    Marija Kovrlija

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