Original Message:
Sent: 12-04-2023 15:35
From: Antwuan Rencher
Subject: Send me your gift ideas for our Community Angels
Love these recommendations Lin! Making a monster seems like a lot of fun. I'm sure Nell would enjoy and @Nicole Milliken will get these gift ideas on her list.
Antwuan Rencher
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 12-04-2023 14:29
From: Lin Gary
Subject: Send me your gift ideas for our Community Angels
Hi there, it's Community Elf Lin!
I was wondering around Santa HQ this morning and found a few items stashed away in the break room, maybe these could help put a smile on Nell's face!
- Make Your Own Monster - Arts and crafts kit for a new creepy, crawly, and cuddly friend!

- Create Your Own Storybook - Special kit for a kid who loves creativity and reading!

Lin Gary
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 11-30-2023 18:52
From: Antwuan Rencher
Subject: Send me your gift ideas for our Community Angels
Season's Greetings!!! I'm here to spread some holiday cheer and make a special child's wish come true.
The "Kids Ask, Community Delivers" initiative involves the adoption of letters that have been written to the Big Guy from the North Pole. There are multiple angels that could use your help, so read Matt's post to offer even more gift ideas that will be posted in different communities.
The Welcome Community is shopping for Nell. Here are some gifts that would bring joy to her heart:

The Welcome Community is all about making grand entrances, so do you all have any recommendations for this budding artist?
What are your favorite children's books and board games? (I enjoyed reading Carmen San Diego and playing Clue as a youngster, I'm probably showing my age here...)
I'm not the most artistic person (keep this between us, lol) so any suggestions on cool crafts would be extremely beneficial, too.
Please leave your ideas in the comments below and let's make Nell's holiday one for the books!
Antwuan Rencher
Genesys - Employees