They are currently two separate metrics, both are reliable but represent different nuances. The Average Sentiment refers to the average sentiment of the individual phrases, while the Average Sentiment Score shows the average on a conversation level. We will change this so that all views show the Average Sentiment Score (conversation level).
Original Message:
Sent: 07-10-2024 14:09
From: suyog gupta
Subject: Sentiment Analysis
Hi Adi.. even i noticed the discrepancy and have two questions:
- Are they both truly the same metric?
- Which report is more reliable at this point?
suyog gupta
Health Alliance Plan
Original Message:
Sent: 07-03-2024 03:19
From: Adi Goodman
Subject: Sentiment Analysis
Thanks for bringing this to our attention Larissa, we are working on adjusting these calculations to fix the discrepancy between the two views so that they will both show the Average Sentiment Score of the conversation. This will take a couple of months but we will communicate this change in advance to minimize any confusion.
Adi Goodman
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 06-24-2024 07:49
From: Larissa Casebolt
Subject: Sentiment Analysis
Hi Adi.
Here are two screenshots, for the same agents for the same timeframe.
Frist one is from Agent Performance View, Second is from Agent Topic View. Agent Performance shows Average Sentiment, and Agent Topic shows Average Sentiment Score. I am trying to understand the difference in calculations. Resource center describes calculation for Average Sentiment Score, but I can't find anything regarding Average Sentiment.

Thank you,
Larissa Casebolt
Macy's Systems and Technology, Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 06-23-2024 04:08
From: Adi Goodman
Subject: Sentiment Analysis
Hi Larissa,
Could you please attach screenshots of the views you are referring to?
Adi Goodman
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 06-19-2024 10:09
From: Larissa Casebolt
Subject: Sentiment Analysis
Hello all, look for some insight on sentiment analysis. I am looking at two different views in: Queue Trend and Queue Performance. I have chosen the same Queues and same time frame, however Average Sentiment Score and Average Sentiment do not match in the views. Are those different metrics? Am I reading this wrong? How can I explain these differences?
Thank you for nay feedback!
Larissa Casebolt
Macy's Systems and Technology, Inc.