By adding this as a System Environment variable you are forcing PureConnect to use TLS 1.x which every one you set it to. If you are updating to CIC 2023 , make sure your certs are also update from SHA1 to SHA256
Jayson Aggen
TTEC Digital, LLC fka Avtex Solutions, LLC
Original Message:
Sent: 05-31-2024 16:10
From: Christopher Becker
Hello Team,
This is probably an amazingly easy question for the lot of you, but I have been 'wrassling' with upgrading to cic2023 again and the recent version of pre-reqs calls out setting ININ_SSL_MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION to tlsv1.2 as one of the first steps. I assumed this would be a var i could find in the system params but i am left wanting. Can someone tell me where i would set this as my screens do not seem to mesh with the screenshot in the doc. I have provided it below:

Christopher Becker
State of Michigan - Oakland County - WRC