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  • 1.  Smart Advisor

    Posted 11-19-2022 06:03

    Looking to possibly set up smart Advisor. The widget shows for agents in the BoldChat360 platform, however in he AI Console it's not listed as an option under widgets. I remember seeing it before, can you confirm if it has moved?

    Steps show: Go to Touchpoints > Widgets and choose Personalize for the Smart Advisor widget.


    Heather laird
    Dyson Technology Limited

  • 2.  RE: Smart Advisor

    Posted 11-21-2022 12:57
    Hi Heather!

    Checking with the team, Dyson should have access to Smart Advisor. However, it may require some advanced permissions or configuration steps to set it up.

    I'd open a support ticket on this ( so someone can directly help you.

    Anthony Romero
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: Smart Advisor

    Posted 11-21-2022 14:10
    Hi Heather,

    I have enabled the Smart Advisor widget for your account. In my experience it is best to edit/use the Knowledge Base smart advisor widget, instead of individual widgets used for floating or embedded widgets. The reason being you'll have less smart advisor widgets to manage by using the KB widget, rather than editing each floating widget for example. The only thing to note if using the KB smart advisor widget - make sure you also log into Bold Admin ( and make sure that each chat window's "Knowledge Base for Agents" is set to the KB, and not the floating widget itself, or the option "Same as widget configuration" as this uses the floating widget settings and not necessarily the KB settings for smart advisor. If you have further questions on the use of Smart Advisor I recommend reaching out to your Customer Success Manager for training or more details.


    Gregory LeMay
    Genesys - Employees

  • 4.  RE: Smart Advisor

    Posted 11-24-2022 12:18
    Thanks Gregory.

    Heather laird
    Dyson Technology Limited

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