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  • 1.  Some weekend funnery

    Posted 09-13-2024 19:03

    All, got into a bored mood and had to get myself out of it with a little fun blog about Contact Center Movies - if Only!

    The Contact Center - Greatest Titles | Robert Wakefield-Carl Blog (

    Hope you enjoy.


    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 2.  RE: Some weekend funnery

    Posted 09-16-2024 08:46

    Those were too funny!

    Amy Sessions
    Division Manager, Utility Customer Service
    City of Clearwater

  • 3.  RE: Some weekend funnery

    Posted 09-16-2024 08:49

    These are great ! I work with a movie buff that will really enjoy seeing them also 

    Stacey Sanchez
    PACU- Workforce Operations MGR

  • 4.  RE: Some weekend funnery

    Posted 09-17-2024 04:08

    Do you also find yourself holding your tongue when watching a movie or TV show where the tech is all wrong? Servers out in the Office (Bull) or strategically placed product labels on phones or even equipment with no power cables.

    BTW on your last movie I did read in the voice of the late, great, James Earl Jones which also reminded me of a custom voice for my Tom Tom many years ago.

    Richard Chandler

  • 5.  RE: Some weekend funnery

    Posted 09-23-2024 13:55


    Thing is, I get it when it product placement, but it's when they get stupid stuff wrong. Like two people using the same keyboard to "hack faster" (NCIS.) The one that jumped out at me was in Ironman 3, when he was accessing a satellite with the IPV4 addresses 93.455.43.232 and 78.397.17.610....

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 6.  RE: Some weekend funnery

    Posted 09-23-2024 13:06

    I had no idea you were such a talented artist!! You really can do anything. Which movie gets best picture?? Sleepless in Manilla seems to have an edge.

    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 7.  RE: Some weekend funnery

    Posted 09-23-2024 13:46

    Maybe run a poll or a badge of the month for voting.

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 8.  RE: Some weekend funnery

    Posted 09-26-2024 09:06

    I liked, 'Lord of the Rings'

    We call it a 'Contact Center' now, but in inception they were "Call Center" !

    Ashiesh Sharma
    BT plc

  • 9.  RE: Some weekend funnery

    Posted 10-15-2024 12:36

    You may all have noticed (or not) that we ran this question as a poll for our Trivia Tower Fang-tastic Novels bonus question. About 20 people voted and @Robert Wakefield-Carl, you may be interested to know that the winner was...

    THE EMPIRE CALLS BACK (won by a landslide)!

    Now who has the cash to produce this baby? LOL

    Nicole Milliken
    Senior Online Community Video Specialist

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