Good to hear! Please keep us posted with what was done to end the interaction.
Jason Kleitz
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Original Message:
Sent: 01-08-2025 00:55
From: Neil Jones
Subject: Stuck Email
Thanks Jason,
That link is helpful. I also raised (via our Genesys partner) a ticket for CC to review.
Neil Jones
Voice Comms Lead
Awaze Uk
United Kingdom
Original Message:
Sent: 01-07-2025 13:45
From: Jason Kleitz
Subject: Stuck Email
Hey Neil,
You might want to look at what Jan said in another thread to help you get the communicationId. If that doesn't work, you should reach out to Customer Care so that they can help end the interaction.
Let me know if that helps!
Jason Kleitz
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Original Message:
Sent: 01-07-2025 01:22
From: Neil Jones
Subject: Stuck Email
We have a email that's some how stuck against a particular agent and has a state of 'interacting' even though the interaction has an end date. I've attempted the UI disconnect function (Disconnect Interaction) but this does not work.
Was looking to use API (/api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/communications/{communicationId})

Where / how do I locate the 'communicationID' ?
Neil Jones
Voice Comms Lead
Awaze Uk
United Kingdom