Thanks for jumping in here, Vaun, to help out Karthi! That's some great community spirit!
Nicole Milliken
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 11-16-2023 21:43
From: Vaun McCarthy
Subject: STUN Server used by WebRTC phone
Hi Karthi
If I recall, for STUN services, other than FedRAMP the same CIDRs are used but the client from memory will also try the Google STUN services. Whichever STUN provider responds first - that's the information that will be used to gather the candidates.
Vaun McCarthy
Original Message:
Sent: 11-16-2023 20:15
From: Karthi Elumalai
Subject: STUN Server used by WebRTC phone
Is there way to identify which region/location STUN server used by WebRTC phone? Will STUN server location changeable to connect other region/location in Genesys Pure Cloud?
Karthi Elumalai
Servion Global Solutions Inc.