I am looking for some advice on how this is managed please?
I had initially reported this as an issue but have been advised this is by design. We publish schedules 4 weeks in advance, but agents can request time off up to 13 months in advance, depending on the time of year. On the Scheduling tab in the BU config, we have selected the Time-Off synchronization option, with the aim of schedules syncing to any new Work Plan or change to schedule between requesting time off and actually taking it.
We have found this to be successful if the schedule has already been generated at the time of the request being made (screenshots attached), however, the paid time is not pulling through as expected if the time off is in the future, ahead of the period for which schedules are generated or published (screenshots also attached). This requires manual intervention every time to get the daily paid hours to reflect correctly, and as you can imagine, the volume of this is high.
Does anyone have any tips or advice on how we can best manage this?
Many thanks
Heather Henderson
Admiral Group Plc