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  • 1.  Time Offs reflecting actual Shift Times

    Posted 08-01-2024 21:53

    Hi All,

    I am interested in peoples feedback on this one.

    We operate a 24 x 7 Call centre, and based on shifts "Day Shift", "Afternoon Shift", "Night Shift", "Part-Day Public Holiday" (Christmas Eve, New Years Eve).

    There are different penalties payable to staff.

    In Genesys WEM, when we apply a Time-Off to a day, it wipes the entire 24 hour period out as whatever "Time Off" we choose.

    The problem is for Legal & Compliance purposes in Australia, we are required to record the shift that someone would have worked.

    So we need to be able to identify which shift they were on, on the given day when we gave them a time-off.

    We would like the Schedule to say:

    "Annual Leave" - 8:00 - 16:00, so we could accurately identify, yes they were on Annual Leave, on a day shift, therefore no penalties were payable

    "Annual Leave" - 15:00 - 23:00, so we could accurately identify, yes they were on Annual Leave, on an afternoon shift, therefore afternoon shift penalties were payable

    "Annual Leave" - 22:30 - 06:30, so we could accurately identify, yes they were on Annual Leave, on a night shift, therefore night shift penalties were payable.

    Has anyone had any experience with this, and identified a work-around that doesn't involve manually deleting and re-creating every single leave shift, so we are compliant with legislation??

    Many Thanks



    Wayde Masters
    Royal Automobile Association of South Australia (RAA)

  • 2.  RE: Time Offs reflecting actual Shift Times

    Posted 08-02-2024 09:23

    Hi @Wayde Masters  If it is for preplanned, preapproved time off and you want to be able to see the regularly scheduled start and end time for this shift reflected in the Time Off activity, the agents need to submit the request as a Partial Day request, being sure to specify the start time as the start of their shift and the duration long enough to make the "End Time" be the regularly schedule end of their shift. This will result in just that time frame being covered with the Time Off Activity Code.  There area couple problems with this work around. One is that agents enter these partial-day offs wrong probably 40% of the time (at least mine did) and WFM ended up having to fix them.  But the bigger problem is, if someone gets a new shift, any future time off that has been submitted will be messed up because they requested specific times and not Full Day.  


    Gina Palmer
    Manager, Workforce Management
    Papa, Inc.

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