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Trivia Tower Tests Your Candy Knowledge!

  • 1.  Trivia Tower Tests Your Candy Knowledge!

    Posted 10-16-2024 16:33

    Gotta sweet tooth?

    We sure hope so because the newest Trivia Tower event is live: Candy Close-Ups! Take a look at the zoomed-in pictures of treats from around the world and see if you can guess what it is. The player who gets the most correct, walks away with winning bragging rights and of course, an item of their choice from the Prize Wall. Don't forget to answer that bonus question for three extra points because...it does determine the winner!

    You have until end-of-day Friday, Oct. 18th to get your answers in and remember the cardinal rules: 

    1. NO CHEATING OR GOOGLING! We will disqualify you, even though it would break our hearts to do so. We want to make this fair for everyone, so don't seek outside help of any kind.

    2. In lieu of a tie-breaker, we will look at community engagement scores to determine a winner.

    3. HAVE FUN and answer the bonus question! 

    Good luck and happy snacking! 

    P.s. If you're looking for even more ways to win, submit your stories in the Big, Bad Bot Bash contest we have running for the entire month of October! Check out the details here. 


    Nicole Milliken
    Senior Online Community Video Specialist

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