Hi Gina,
There is no way to see this via the UI. But I think it's a very good idea. I've created an AHA for it. Would you mind adding a comment about your specific use case? Thanks so much.
Damaris Scott
Senior Product Manager, Workforce Management
Original Message:
Sent: 01-08-2025 16:46
From: Gina Palmer
Subject: Tying Time-Off Requests to Time Off Limits
Is there are way to see what Time Off Requests are impacting which specific Time Off Limit?
When you look at the Time Off Requests screen, there is nothing that spells out what Time Off Limit is being applied.
When you look at the Time Off Limit screen, you only see the total number of hours applied, not exactly which Time Off Request it is.
Gina Palmer
Manager, Workforce Management
Papa, Inc.