Take a look at the Time-Off Request 'Submission Range Constraint', in the Management Unit configuration. You can use the minimum to determine earliest allowable date of a request, from up to 30 days in the past to 30 days in the future. You can use the maximum to determine the latest allowable date of a request from 0 (today) to 365 days in the future.
Eric Hagaman
Product Management Director
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 08-26-2024 14:22
From: Michael Lee
Subject: Up to WHEN can TIME OFFs filed After the Fact
Does anyone know up to when can time offs be filed after the fact or if that can be configured somewhere?
i.e. Agent shift is 8:00 PM- 5:00 AM, should have filed a time off from 8:00 PM-10:00 PM, however, wasn't able to and still took the time off. Until when can he or she request this in GCX? NOTE: Time off we are referring is not vacation, it is for Work from home issue.
Michael Lee
Six Continents Hotels, Inc.