Thanks for your observation.
For any product gaps and enhancements, we encourage partners/customers to place ideas in the Genesys Ideas portal. So other users can vote, and product managers can gauge customer interest to build the case, and prioritise features in their roadmaps.
With regards to costs, we're finalising the last items of the process before getting it approved. Final pricing will be available on the GA date via AppFoundry, and we're also considering volume discounts for commited usage.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-07-2025 07:54
From: Hichem Agrebi
Subject: Upcoming Transcription Connector Beta
Thanks Ales for your confirmation. The main challenge today (a real miss in Genesys initial design) is the transcription of outbound calls in the right language, so unless a more expensive transcriptiopn engine is used with language detection, using GC standard or EVTS wouldn't help much if outbound calls are handled in a language different from the trunk language.
As for EVTS, Genesys latest effort in reducing pricing makes it an attractive option considering that Microsoft is one of the leaders when it comes to speech services. Not sure how this compares with the transcription connector + third party transcription cost.
Hichem Agrebi
Original Message:
Sent: 01-07-2025 07:28
From: Alejandra Santiago
Subject: Upcoming Transcription Connector Beta
Hi @Hichem Agrebi,
Thanks for contacting.
That is correct: if customers are currently using Genesys Cloud EVTS for their transcriptions in their language(s) of choice, they will not be impacted in any way by the Transcription Connector release.
As you mention, Transcription Connector can be used by customers wanting to bring in their 3rd party transcriptions for either a niche provider (other than Microsoft Speech Services) or for those very specific language models, where the right accuracy might be more difficult to get from our native solutions.
Hope this helps clarifying.
Kind regards,
Alejandra Santiago Veiga
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 01-06-2025 10:11
From: Hichem Agrebi
Subject: Upcoming Transcription Connector Beta
thanks @Alejandra Santiago , GC EVTS is using Microsoft Speech Services, so it would include the transcript when used, right? I assume any need for 3rd party TTS is when the quality of GC standard and EVTS is not satisfactory. So if a customer pays for EVTS why would they need to pay on top for a transcription connector? thanks for clarifying
Hichem Agrebi
Original Message:
Sent: 01-02-2025 05:32
From: Alejandra Santiago
Subject: Upcoming Transcription Connector Beta
Hi @Robert Wakefield-Carl,
Thanks for taking an interest in our upcoming TC beta!
Unfortunately for the use cases below:
- Using Transcription Connector for (near) real time transcriptions in Genesys Co-pilot.
- Using Transcription Connector for (near) real time translations.
We will NOT be supporting them for the initial release.
However, feel free to vote and add as much information as you need (3rd party transcription vendors or specific languages) in the Genesys Ideas Portal:
Kind regards,
Alejandra Santiago Veiga
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 12-20-2024 10:28
From: Robert Wakefield-Carl
Subject: Upcoming Transcription Connector Beta
First of all, THANK YOU for this detailed information. I have not seen something like this before in any of our previous announcements. I hope this is a positive direction that all of the release and beta teams can follow.
Questions would be if this will tie into the real time transcription in Copilot and if we could tie in a translation mechanism as well and inject the translated transcript into the conversation?
Really interested in looking at this in detail.
Robert Wakefield-Carl
ttec Digital
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 12-20-2024 09:45
From: Alejandra Santiago
Subject: Upcoming Transcription Connector Beta
Hi Community!
It has been a while since our last update, and we have very good reasons.
Engineering has been very busy developing a new connector for your business needs, and keep choosing Genesys as your preferred CX open platform tool.
In a nutshell, Transcription Connector will soon allow you to bring in transcriptions generated in your preferred transcription engine, into Genesys Cloud.
Key feature highlights are:
Available in Genesys GC3, GC2/GC1 + WEM addon I/II
Support for Native + EVTS languages.
A list of supported languages will display in the Programs Definition UI for easier configuration. You can mix and match your preferred transcription engine depending on the language.
Stream for both (internal and external) channels. Whether your customer is interacting with your IVR flow or your agent, you won't miss any part of the conversation.
Available to purchase and install via Genesys AppFoundry integrations.
New BYOT fee, that allows you to pay only for what you want to transcribe.
Support for up to 5 different Transcription Connector integrations per org. You can benchmark your preferred transcription engines.
Return transcriptions generated by 3rd party services to Genesys Cloud, using the (enhanced version of) Genesys proprietary Audiohook Protocol.
Transcriptions will display in the interactions view for a particular conversation.
Genesys will be able to perform further post-processing, as it currently happens for any of the natively generated transcriptions. Meaning: If your org has sentiment analysis and/or topic spotting, your 3rd party transcriptions will be evaluated for further insights.
Transcription Connector Server reference code. So your dev team can quickly spin up a new middleware transcription server, and start testing out our new connector.
Easier way to troubleshoot your Transcription Connector Server with Genesys Cloud Operational Console.
We will be adding updates on progress, as well as requesting beta prospects soon. Our initial (noncommitted) beta target date is somewhere in Q1 2025.
Do you want to know more about prerequisites to be one of our Beta prospects? Read and complete this survey if you feel Transcription Connector meets your criteria: Transcription Connector Beta form.
Upon submission, your Org will be added to the pool for consideration. There is no guarantee that a particular Org will be accepted into the Beta. Expect any Transcription Connector acceptance and/or beta related communications to begin in January 2025.
Keep tuned for more in the next few months. Let's build together!
Kind regards,
#BYOTConnectors #Integrations #Architect #TranscriptionConnector
Alejandra Santiago Veiga
Genesys - Employees