Hello Husein,
While we don't have have a specific set of parameters that you need to configure on the network in order for that to work, as a general, I would recommend bypassing / allowing all traffic related to Genesys Cloud. I have included a few articles from our Resource Center down below. I would recommend starting with these articles to make sure that all of the Genesys Cloud traffic is whitelisted.
Also, the Amazon AWS IP address JSON file link on that article lists more IP ranges that we require for use.
Jason Kleitz
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Original Message:
Sent: 11-06-2024 08:31
From: Husein Nasution
Subject: WAF F5 for WebRTC
Hi Guys
Does anyone have experience with F5 WAF? Could you share which parameters need to be allowed on the F5 WAF?
Husein Nasution
Husein Nasution