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What's your favorite Cryptid?

  • 1.  What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 10-30-2024 09:58
    Edited by Matt Lawson 11-05-2024 09:47

    Halloween is tomorrow night in the United States and to honor this boot-shaking, spine-tinging holiday, we thought we'd ask you: 

    What's your favorite Cryptid and why? 

    In case you don't know, Cryptids are creatures people claim to have seen, but have not been identified by science. Think Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot. 

    I'll go first: 

    I've always been fascinated by the Navajo Native American legend of the Skinwalkers. They are believed to be malevolent witches who can shape shift into animal forms. 

    I saw a cool documentary on this subject and have been enamored ever since! They seem very frightening and I hope to NEVER see one in person.

    So tell us your favorite Cryptid down below and if you've ever seen one in person. 


    Nicole Milliken
    Senior Online Community Video Specialist

  • 2.  RE: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 10-30-2024 11:42

    Being Scottish I'm going to have to say the Nessie (the Loch Ness monster) but I think a special mention must be given to the glorious Haggis.

    A small furry creature that has 2 legs shorter on one side of it's body, they can be found wandering round the bottom of mountains and are little hairy creatures that taste splendid once skinned and boiled 

    Paul Ruiz Gilmour
    Customer Solutions Design Specialist

  • 3.  RE: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 10-30-2024 11:49

    Little Haggis is so cute. I don't think I could eat it! 

    Nicole Milliken
    Senior Online Community Video Specialist

  • 4.  RE: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 10-30-2024 11:53

    They are very tasty :) lots of pepper and potato mash... yum 

    Paul Ruiz Gilmour
    Customer Solutions Design Specialist

  • 5.  RE: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 10-30-2024 12:06

    I am going to have to go with Champy. As a kid, living in Vermont for several years, I went to a sleep-away summer camp at her lake and swam in her chilly waters every morning. I was never lucky enough to see her, but I spent many hours sitting by the shoreline and waiting for her to pop her head up.

    Amy Sessions
    Division Manager, Utility Customer Service
    City of Clearwater

  • 6.  RE: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 10-30-2024 12:09

    Cool! So is this the Vermont version of Nessie? 

    Nicole Milliken
    Senior Online Community Video Specialist

  • 7.  RE: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 10-30-2024 12:12

    Yep and she is a big crowd pleaser up there. LOTS of people go looking for her.

    Amy Sessions
    Division Manager, Utility Customer Service
    City of Clearwater

  • 8.  RE: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 10-30-2024 12:27

    I've got to go with Nessie. Mostly just childhood nostalgia for cartoons that featured the Loch Ness Monster.

    James Rowberry

  • 9.  RE: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 10-30-2024 13:06

    I am going with Bigfoot. I am from Blue Ridge Georgia and they have a whole museum dedicated to this thing. 

    April Uran
    Sad Face Error on PureInsights Screen

  • 10.  RE: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 10-30-2024 15:25

    Champy.  Definitely Champy.  Growing up, Champy never made the list of popular cryptids while his cousin Nessie did.  Would be cool to find any of these (except little Haggis, LOL) running around.

    Vikki Papesh
    Sr. Genesys Cloud Developer II
    Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.

  • 11.  RE: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 10-30-2024 15:29

    Ogopogo because it's fun to say and it's the Canadian version of Nessie! 

    Ryan Duffy

  • 12.  RE: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 11-04-2024 08:41

    That is really fun to say! Ogopogo. Ogopogo. I wont say it a third time just incase it has any beeltejuice connections..

    Online Community Manager/Moderator

  • 13.  RE: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 10-31-2024 01:02
    Edited by Irish Ann Reyes 10-31-2024 01:03

    Here in the Philippines there are loads of  Crypid but I have always been intrigued with one it's called "Mananangal" it is a creature that at midnight their body is cut in half. The upper part that has wings lbat like and fly to hunt for food which are human internal organs. After they filled their feast they will go back to their lower part of the body before sunlight so it will not burn to death.  am just very curious since they cut in half where does the food stored after they ate ? \(^-^)/

    Irish Ann Reyes

    Original Message:
    Sent: 10-30-2024 09:58
    From: Nicole Milliken
    Subject: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Halloween is tomorrow night in the United States and to honor this boot-shaking, spine-tinging holiday, we thought we'd ask you: 

    What's your favorite Cryptid and why? 

    In case you don't know, Cryptids are creatures people claim to have seen, but have not been identified by science. Think Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot. 

    I'll go first: 

    I've always been fascinated by the Navajo Native American legend of the Skinwalkers. They are believed to be malevolent witches who can shape shift into animal forms. 

    I saw a cool documentary on this subject and have been enamored ever since! They seem very frightening and I hope to NEVER see one in person.

    So tell us your favorite Cryptid down below and if you've ever seen one in person. 


    Nicole Milliken
    Senior Online Community Video Specialist

  • 14.  RE: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 10-31-2024 01:19
    Edited by Arjay Robles 10-31-2024 01:20

    Kapre is a creature with the appearance of a phenomenally tall, long-legged, god-type hairy humanoid, that sits in big trees and smokes cigarettes. It is often seen waiting for people as they walk through a path. It has also been described as similar to the North American Bigfoot.

    Arjay Robles

  • 15.  RE: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 10-31-2024 08:22

    Kapre is a creature with the appearance of a phenomenally tall, long-legged, god-type of hairy humanoid, that sits in big trees and smokes cigarettes. It is often seen waiting for people as they walk through a path. It has also been described as similar to the North American Bigfoot but with more human characteristics, characterized as a tree demon. It is described as tall (between 7 to 10 ft), brown, hairy male with a beard. Kapres are normally described as smoking a very large ganja pipe, whose strong smell almost always attracts human attention. The term kapre comes from the Arabic word "kaffir", meaning a non-believer in Islam.

    Arjay Robles

  • 16.  RE: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 10-31-2024 09:47

    My current cryptid of interest is Mothman. There are Wisconsin ties, and I just watched the recent Unsolved Mysteries episode about it (Mothman Revisited)... and was surprised to find that one of the experts is a former roommate of mine. 

    Emily Kammerer
    Manager - Telephony Systems

  • 17.  RE: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 10-31-2024 10:32

    One of my best friends is from West Virginia and has told me about the Mothman legend and all the crazy things that have supposedly happened. I'm cool to not go near that statue. 

    Natalie Nobles
    Genesys - Employees
    UX Researcher/Designer

  • 18.  RE: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 10-31-2024 13:26

    I'm going with Mothman myself. I aim to get out there next spring and check out the museum!

    Phil Koch
    Technical Account Manager

  • 19.  RE: What's your favorite Cryptid?

    Posted 10-31-2024 14:01

    Coming from Northern Illinois, I also have to go with Mothman. 

    Gina Palmer
    Manager, Workforce Management
    Papa, Inc.