Hello Tapas,
Yes what you are seeing is expected behavior. I believe these can be modified on the IDP side of the house but you would have to get with your IDP/SSO team to figure out how this is done.
Cameron Tomlin
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 08-08-2024 03:05
From: Tapas Rana
Subject: while logout of agent from Genesys cloud embeded link , opens new windows
Here is the screen shot after we logout.

Tapas Rana
Pegasystems Inc
Original Message:
Sent: 08-05-2024 11:21
From: Cameron Tomlin
Subject: while logout of agent from Genesys cloud embeded link , opens new windows
Hello Tapas,
I believe this is expected behavior, but can be configured on the SSO side of things. Can you provide screenshots of the behavior you are seeing?
Cameron Tomlin
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 08-02-2024 01:35
From: Tapas Rana
Subject: while logout of agent from Genesys cloud embeded link , opens new windows
I am using embedded link to login to Genesys cloud agent using SSO or non SSO ,once I logout the agent I see an another window pop up where it shows logout page .
Is it a normal behavior or its an issue ?
Please suggest
Tapas Rana
Pegasystems Inc