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WINNER: Global Givers Trivia announced!

  • 1.  WINNER: Global Givers Trivia announced!

    Posted 11-25-2024 10:13

    We were so grateful for all of those people who participated in the "Global Givers" trivia event we had going on last week. It wasn't easy, but we did have ONE winner who rose to the top and surprise, surprise, they won because they answered that +3 point bonus question!

    But before we reveal the top dawg of the Trivia Tower, let's take a look at the answers of the people who have given the most innovated gifts to the world: 

    1.  Physician Jonas Salk gave the world a life-saving vaccine for what disease?

    a.        Chicken Pox

    b.        Polio

    c.        Scarlett Fever

    d.        Mumps

    2.   The gift of flight was given by the Wright Brothers. How long was their first flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina?

    a.        6 seconds

    b.        12 seconds

    c.        18 seconds

    d.        22 seconds

    3.   Which Frenchman's idea was it to gift the Statue of Liberty to the United States as a universal symbol of freedom?

    a.        Édouard de Laboulaye

    b.        Lucien Febvre

    c.        Maurice Agulhon

    d.        Philippe Ariès

    4.   Which country invented the printing press, which revolutionized education?

    a.        India

    b.        America

    c.        China

    d.        England

    5.  The English "Countess of Lovelace" is credited for inventing the first computer algorithm in 1843. What's her real name? 

    a.        Hannah Primrose

    b.        Ada King

    c.        Louisa Jenkinson

    d.        Edith Bulwer-Lytton

    6.  You can thank dentist T.G.Morton for your pain-free surgeries. What year did he invent anesthesia?

    a.        1843

    b.        1844

    c.        1845

    d.        1846

    7. Gregor Mendel, "The Father of Genetics" revolutionized medical science. But Mendel was also a what?

    a.        Austrian Monk

    b.        First-chair violinist

    c.        An Aviator

    d.        A spiritual medium

    8. Chemist Stephanie Kwolek stops bullets with her invention of:

    a.        Kevlar

    b.        Steel polymer joints

    c.        Graphene

    d.        Spider silk

    9.  Which ancient civilization is credited for inventing the wheel?

    a.        Akkadians

    b.        Assyrians

    c.        Sumerians

    d.        Babylonians

    10.  The "reed pen" which spurred other writing utensils such as the Quill and the ballpoint pen originated in what county?

    a.        Ireland

    b.        Turkey

    c.        Persia (now Iran)

    d.        Egypt

    11.  Penicillin, the most lifesaving medicine in history, was developed by Scottish physician Alexander Fleming. How many lives has it saved?

    a.        Between 25-50 million lives

    b. Between 60-100 million lives

    c. Between 80-200 million lives

    d. Between 250-500 million lives

    12.  In 1947, the invention of what began the road to the personal computer?

    a.        Transistor

    b.        Vacuum tube

    c.        Micro-compressors

    d.        The keyboard

    13. This Norwegian invented "self-releasing ski bindings" while recovering from a broken leg caused by the sport.

    a.        Hans Vinjarengen

    b.        Leif Skagnæs

    c.        Hjalmar Petterson Hvam

    d.        Sigmund Ruud

    14.  The first mobile phone was gifted to us by Martin Cooper. How long was the battery life?

    a.        4 minutes

    b.        13 minutes

    c.        21 minutes

    d.        30 minutes

    15. Which famous Austrian actress co-invented "frequency hopping" which led to the invention of Wi-Fi?

    a.        Ingrid Bergman

    b.        Grace Kelly

    c.        Marlene Dietrich

    d.        Hedy Lamarr

    16. John McCarthy created what language that pioneered the way for the world to use AI?

    a.        JAVA

    b.        ALGOL

    c.        LISP

    d.        COBOL

    Whew! Those were tough and for a few fun stats, the most missed question was #4 - it was China who invented the printing press along with so many other great inventions such as paper, the compass, silk, and so much more! 

    Now for the winner...CONGRATS to @Denise Roy!!! You are the winner of the "Global Givers" Trivia Tower event! Be on the lookout for a Google Form to fill out with your Prize Wall pick. 

    Everyone else, thanks for playing. Sad you didn't take home the top prize? Well, keep your eyes on the Trivia Tower and Casual communities in December. We'll be having an event coming up soon for more ways to win!


    Nicole Milliken
    Senior Online Community Video Specialist

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