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  • 1.  Work around for preference based rostering

    Posted 21 days ago

    Hello Genesys Community,

    I'm hoping to tap into the collective knowledge here and get some advice or guidance on a rostering challenge we're facing. We have a team of 130 part-time nurses, and our rostering process is based on preference. Given that we are a government agency with union requirements, we need to strictly adhere to award and rostering guidelines.

    Currently, our Workforce Management (WFM) team builds the roster using an Excel spreadsheet based on these preferences. However, once the roster is complete, it needs to be manually input into Genesys CX, which is very time-consuming and inefficient.

    I'm wondering if anyone has experience with a solution-perhaps via an AppFoundry integration or API-that would allow us to automate this process. Specifically, we would like to find a way to import the completed Excel roster directly into CX without the need for manual data entry.

    Any help, suggestions, or insights would be greatly appreciated!


    Sonja Maxwell
    Admin Manager

  • 2.  RE: Work around for preference based rostering

    Posted 11 days ago

    I see a few problems here.  First, any automated scheduling and bidding would require a forecast of some sort and it seems like you have nurses doing back-office work and not on the phone all the time.  The new shift bidding could allow them set preferences for work plans and schedule them using the Bidding process for agent preferences.  I have not tried doing this without a forecast, but I would give it a try.  As for automating the input, I don't think there will be an API or upload that will help, but I can take a look and see what possibility there is.  All I described assumes that you will have these 130 nurses on Genesys Cloud even though they may not be logging in daily.  

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 3.  RE: Work around for preference based rostering

    Posted 3 days ago

    @Sonja Maxwell as @Robert Wakefield-Carl has suggested Work Plan Bids could offer a good starting point, where the nurses can bid on the Work Plan that Best fits their preferences/availability. All Work Plan Bids require a forecast, this enables the staffing analysis tool to calculate which of the listed Work Plans provide the best coverage for the expected demand.

    While this might not be a 100% fit for your needs, when coupled with @Andrew Boland's "Agent Unavailable Times" this becomes a more powerful and admin-reducing possibility. The Nurses will be able to Bid on the Work Plan that best fits their availability and then fine-tune that closer to the time with specific "Agent Unavailable Times"

    I hope this helps you understand some of the options currently available and how they might be enhanced in the future.

    Paul Wood
    Product Manager for Genesys Cloud Workforce Management

  • 4.  RE: Work around for preference based rostering

    Posted 6 days ago

    Hi Sonja

    Thanks for your post

    At the moment I'm afraid I can't give much assistance around how this process might be streamlined.

    However, we are currently working on/investigating a coupld of capabilities which will help.

    We're in the process at the moment of building Agent Unavailable Times, where an Agent will be able to enter times when they are unavailable to work. When scheduling GC will take these unavailable times into account and create shifts around them, within the confines of the Work Plan. These unavailable times are hard constraints, meaning if an Agent enters an unavailable time then they will not be scheduled at that time.

    I'm also in the process of researching Agent Preferences, which will be softer constraints that an Agent can add i.e. Prefering Early/Late starts, Early/Late ends etc. If you'd be interested in syncing to discuss your use cases here in more detail that would be really useful. Please just let me know.


    Andy Boland
    Product Manager

  • 5.  RE: Work around for preference based rostering

    Posted 6 days ago

    Andy, great stuff, but what about getting back to the basics with things like Holiday scheduling and overtime.  Also, how about fixing the partial day time off.

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 6.  RE: Work around for preference based rostering

    Posted 6 days ago

    +1 in addition to customized colours for secondary activity codes

    Andrea Rushfeldt
    Resource Enablement Advisor

  • 7.  RE: Work around for preference based rostering

    Posted 4 days ago

    Hi Robert

    Thanks for your response

    We're looking at those things too. In particular I'm working on adding Overtime at the moment.

    The plan for Overtime, initially, will be to enable Schedulers to create 'Opportunities', which will be an amount of On Queue time that can be advertised and picked up by Agents. Use cases like Overtime will fit within these.

    As you can imagine we're working on multiple features in parallel as we have a wide and varied customer base looking for changes and enhancements.



    Andy Boland
    Product Manager

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