Names are tricky, especially when you can have people with many names, or multi part names, or hyphenated names etc.
But, basically, the Upper / Lower Functions along with the Substring function, Left Function, FindString and Append function is going to be what you are after
So for example, using a simple word, no hyphens or multi part words (use FindString Function for those)
Task.FirstName = "anton" and I want to convert that to Anton
I could do Task.Firstname = Append(Upper(Left(Task.Firstname,1)),Substring(Task.Firstname,1,99)) - convert to uppercase the first character from the left, then add the rest of the string after
Which is would make it "Anton"
As mentioned, this will get more complex if you want to account for hyphenated or multi part names.
Anton Vroon
Original Message:
Sent: 06-19-2024 05:55
From: Thomas Repking
Subject: Working with Genesys Voice Bots - Capturing Caller Last Name through Bot
Hi, can I ask another question here? I want to collect the caller's first and last name separately in a bot using `builtin:any` slots. At this point, the accuracy of the recognition is not that important because we do not yet have integration with our crm system. I just want to display the result in the call script for now. It works, but everything is displayed in lowercase letters. How should I format it so that the first letter is capitalized and the rest are in lowercase letters?
Viele GrĂĽĂźe,
Thomas Repking
Canada Life Group Services Limited
Original Message:
Sent: 03-05-2024 02:09
From: Dan Wong
Subject: Working with Genesys Voice Bots - Capturing Caller Last Name through Bot
Thanks Brad.
Will explore the dynamic list.
Dan Wong
Domestic & General Services Limited
Original Message:
Sent: 02-29-2024 18:49
From: Brad Wehmeier
Subject: Working with Genesys Voice Bots - Capturing Caller Last Name through Bot
The builtIn:any slot is useful when there really isn't any context for a customer's response. The List slot is useful when there is a static list of options. In this case, the use of a Dynamic Slot might be very helpful.
A Dynamic Slot allows the technology to focus on a few relevant items and provide better accuracy (like a List) while also tailoring each conversation for the information already gathered.
Dynamic Slots may still struggle with Surnames due to vast variety of names that exist, but in general, the more that the author can narrow down the search space for the Bot by providing context, the better chance the technology has at recognition.
Brad Wehmeier
Lead Software Engineer
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 02-28-2024 16:11
From: Dan Wong
Subject: Working with Genesys Voice Bots - Capturing Caller Last Name through Bot
Thanks Anton for the response!
Plan is to use the CLI and pull back records from the CRM linked to this number.
Challenge we have is a CLI maybe linked to multiple CRM records so cannot complete an exact match based on this.
If this returns too many customer profiles, we'll exclude the caller from any further Bot questions.
If it returns a sensible number of customer profiles, then based on further questions (Surname and TBC), try and identify whether we have the right customer record.
Hope that makes sense / adds a bit more context.
Dan Wong
Domestic & General Services Limited
Original Message:
Sent: 02-28-2024 15:26
From: Anton Vroon
Subject: Working with Genesys Voice Bots - Capturing Caller Last Name through Bot
As an alternative, have you considered doing a customer look up to your CRM based on the caller number, or some other customer identifier they can enter, and looking up their name that way?
Anton Vroon
Original Message:
Sent: 02-27-2024 06:36
From: Dan Wong
Subject: Working with Genesys Voice Bots - Capturing Caller Last Name through Bot
Hello all!
We're currently designing a Bot to capture customer last name prior the caller joining the queue in the flow.
Slot types in Genesys are limited compared to other NLP Bots - Eg, Lex for instance has "Amazon.LastName" as a default slot type.
From what i can see the slot options are builtin:any or List.
List may not be a feasible option due to the amount of variation in names and could take too much resource to maintain.
Does appear to be an idea to increase the default slots available in Genesys Cloud:
Built in Slot Types in Bot Flows | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal (
Has anyone used the Native Genesys NLP for something similar for callers name?
If so, are you able to share the approach and success?
Dan Wong
Domestic & General Services Limited