I agree with Mike response, I don't see where you can select UDP or TCP for a generic SIP phone in either its settings or the base settings.
Are there any instructions for registering via UDP or TCP?
ken tseng
Grandsys Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 08-05-2024 11:47
From: Mike Bira
Subject: Yealink & Audiocodes Phone register to the Cloud Edge
Unless I am missing something, I don't see where you can select UDP or TCP for a generic SIP phone in either its settings or the base settings. The "How to Register" information for me only states TLS.
Mike Bira
Electroline Data Communications Inc
Original Message:
Sent: 08-05-2024 11:15
From: Cameron Tomlin
Subject: Yealink & Audiocodes Phone register to the Cloud Edge
Hello Gary,
I agree with Andreas response. You made need to try UDP or TCP. I have very little experience with Yealink, so I did a quick google search and it looks like it has had some issues in the past with TLS.
Hope this helps!
Cameron Tomlin
Online Community Manager/Moderator
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 08-05-2024 02:49
From: Andreas Tikart
Subject: Yealink & Audiocodes Phone register to the Cloud Edge
I see you are using TLS. My assumption is that the Yealink is not aware of the Root CA for the certificate the Genesys is presenting. Have you tried to use UDP or TCP instead?
Andreas Tikart
Fiebig GmbH
Original Message:
Sent: 08-02-2024 05:23
From: Gary Kao
Subject: Yealink & Audiocodes Phone register to the Cloud Edge
I followed the Create a Generic SIP Phone document to get the primary and secondary configurations and configured them in the phone's server settings, but still can't register
Does anyone have a successful registration case? Can you share it?
Gary Kao
Grandsys Inc.