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Architect User Interface Refresh

  • 1.  Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 04-20-2023 04:43
    Edited by Alejandra Santiago 04-20-2023 04:47

    Hi Community,

    We're excited to give you a preview of the refreshed Genesys Cloud Architect UI. Architect is a powerful flow authoring tool and has been for many years, but was originally designed for technical users. This new objective makes the user experience more intuitive, redesigns Architect into a tool that suits all types of user backgrounds, and contains foundational changes that set the stage for future improvements. The improvements center around these areas:

    • Architect landing page

    • Left/right side menu options

    • Task and state editor

    • Modals

    • Updated iconography

    This initiative does not change Architect functionality for flow designers! Existing navigation to favorite menus and toolbox and panel locations remain the same. You can perform the same actions as you could before the Architect UI refresh.

    The new UI will be introduced for all Cloud Architect users in May (revised). Here's a preview:

    Flow list landing page new look
    Flow design canvas and left menu



    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 04-20-2023 04:57
    Edited by Carlos Lazaro 04-20-2023 04:57

    I love it. :) more modern look & feel.
    Looking forward to seeing it!!

    Carlos Lazaro
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 04-20-2023 05:23

    Great news, Alejandra!!
    Snapshots look really sleek. More aligned with the User interface style of other parts of the solution!  Eager for it to be made available!

    Ismael Jiménez
    Genesys - Employees
    Solution Consultant

  • 4.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 04-26-2023 06:45

    Hi again!

    If you are a Genesys Employee, you have a test org and curious to know what we've been working can contact me!

    Kind regards,

    Alejandra Santiago
    Genesys - Employees

  • 5.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 04-26-2023 16:24

    I have recently switched over and been using the new UI. It has a much more modern look and feel. I would like a little more differentiation in the Flow Design Canvas for the toolbox categories on the left hand side. Maybe a little different background shade for the sections titles like "Settings", "Natural Language Understanding", etc....

    Terry Sullivan
    Genesys - Employees

  • 6.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 05-09-2023 05:36

    Hi Terry,

    Thanks for your input! All feedback is welcome, I will make sure this message arrives to the UX team we have working on this new redesign.

    Kind regards,

    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 7.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 05-09-2023 14:48
    Edited by Simon Brown 05-09-2023 14:48

    Look forward to seeing it.

    Please tell me we do not have to use the re-size bar every time I switch between re-usable tasks with this refresh.

    Was hoping you would say ability to add comments to flows had also been added, can keep dreaming (and asking)  :)

    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 8.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 05-10-2023 04:52

    Hi Simon!

    Thanks for the comments. 

    This is the very first of a series of UX improvements that we're going to be working in the near future. So we will be looking and considering more of these "dreams" to make them come true.

    Stay tuned for more!

    Kind regards,

    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 9.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 05-31-2023 08:45
      |   view attached

    Hi Community!

    We are a few weeks away to release the new Architect UI, and we have prepared a video with the summary of the most prominent changes you will notice. Here is the link!
    Also, you can check our before/after pdf documentation, uploaded to this post for your reference.

    Stay tuned to the future release announcements and features comming soon for timelines and specific information.

    Kind regards,



    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 10.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 06-01-2023 11:32

    Thank you for the "sneak peek" at the new UI.

    OK, so I want to begin by saying that 90% of these updates are positive (personally, I prefer the darker color scheme in the Left Hand menu. I also chose "Dark" color schemes in Office etc. But maybe that's just me!) I'm particularly pleased to see that the task background color has been changed to make the action boxes stand out.

    I agree with @Simon Brown, though. One of the biggest pain points in the Architect UI is that the task edit area doesn't remember your zoom settings!

    Now, I don't wish to disparage the obvious work that has gone into this, but I have to ask about Genesys's priorities here? I appreciate you want to stay up to date, but a quick look at the Ideas website will reveal literally dozens, if not hundreds of features that your customers are literally crying out for - yet you chose to prioritize the look and feel of a UI that is only seen by administrators? (And, to be fair, isn't THAT bad at the moment!)

    The lead item in both the video, and on the PDF, is the new round corners on the buttons. Seriously? That's the headline? The single biggest "win" from this update? Wouldn't the development resource have been better spent dealing with features like Agent Greetings / "Smile" greetings (, or the ability to send a visitor a transcript of a Web Messaging session (, or Recurring Dialer Schedules (, or the ability to define a Wrap-Up code during a call ( /, or Recording of Non-ACD calls (, or the ability to transfer calls directly to a flow ( /, or the ability to control what queues can be transferred directly to, or....?

    If you felt the need to improve Architect, how about adding proper debugging functionality (, rather than rounding off button corners?

    I'm sorry to come off as a negative jerk here, and I certainly don't want to undermine the work that has been done, but Genesys needs to wake up. You are retiring PureConnect and "encouraging" existing PureConnect customers to migrate to Genesys Cloud. How can they, when many of the features they know, love and rely on in that product have yet to be implemented in Genesys Cloud? I know from personal experience that many customers are using the opportunity of being forced to leave PureConnect to evaluate all the possible solutions. Do you honestly think a pretty interface will sway them if required functionality is missing?

    Did you notice that, despite your initial post being well over a month ago, the only response, prior to mine, that you have had from a Non-Genesys employee was Simon's? Does that not tell you anything about how your Partners and Customers feel about this kind of update?

    Rant over.

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 11.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 06-01-2023 11:44

    I have to agree with @Paul Simpson although didn't want to have that particular rant. All (well most) change is good.

    I too tend to use Dark theme, I would rather the new UI had the choice, like API explorer etc does which allow a light or dark theme.

    Lets not forget the massively upvoted Idea Architect - Comments | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal ( which has at least moved to PM review now.

    Simple thing but not being able to self document and comment on large flows is a real pain point for me.


    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 12.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 06-01-2023 12:00

    Debugging is coming soon*

    Melissa Bailey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 13.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 06-01-2023 12:37

    Thanks @Simon Brown  and @Paul Simpson for your honest feedback.

    We are continuing to add new functionality to Architect in many different fronts, trying best we can to prioritize according to customer demand.

    With regards to the future release in this post, it lays out foundational changes to build a series of key usability enhancements and UX related features. Foundations without we wouldn't be able to consider changes such as dark mode or improvements to the canvas' zoom for example.

    As @Melissa Bailey pointed out, we're in the last stretch for Architect Historical Debugger, (currently in Beta) which will allow flow authors to replay historically executed flows. 

    Hope this helps to clear out some of your concerns,


    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 14.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 08-14-2023 11:11

    Hi @Alejandra Santiago,

    I received a worrying email this morning from the Ideas site stating that the idea Architect Dark Mode has had it's status changed to "Not Currently Planned". This seems to contravene your statement

    With regards to the future release in this post, it lays out foundational changes to build a series of key usability enhancements and UX related features. Foundations without we wouldn't be able to consider changes such as dark mode or improvements to the canvas' zoom for example.

    Given that there has been somewhat of an outcry on this thread about the lack of a Dark Mode in the latest iteration of the interface, this is all the more confusing.

    Please advise.

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 15.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 06-01-2023 13:11
    Edited by Paul Simpson 06-01-2023 13:15

    Thanks, Melissa, that is good news!

    Can you confirm whether you will include the ability to "spoof" or "override" ANI, DNIS and Time when debugging? (Some of your, ahem, "competitors" can do this and it's hugely helpful when testing / debugging!)

    Thank you, also, Alejandra! I'm pleased to hear that these enhancements are on the roadmap :-)

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 16.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 06-01-2023 14:37

    it does not

    Melissa Bailey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 17.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 06-01-2023 15:19

    @Melissa Bailey, that's a shame. Is it something you would consider adding in the future? Being able to test "as though it were 3:00am on New Year's Day, and I was calling from xxx into yyy" would be hugely helpful!

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 18.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 08-18-2023 08:22

    And this is another capability that we had in PureConnect that we lost in Genesys Cloud.  The inability to manipulate date & time makes it difficult to properly test schedules. 

    Tom Mullen
    Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH

  • 19.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 08-18-2023 10:05

    Hey, @Tom Mullen!

    Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't believe PureConnect has the ability to run through IVR code with simulated numbers or times & Dates either? It does have a much better debugger (at least for Handlers) but the particular functionality I was requesting is something I have only seen in competitor's products.

    How I would like to see it work...

    1. Switch to some kind of debugging interface.
    2. Enter values for DNIS, ANI and Date / Time. Possibly trunk information too.
    3. Enter a phone number for the developer's device (either a station or an external phone)
    4. Hit a button that causes GC to call the developer's device and, when they pick up, run the flow as though it was inbound from the specified ANI, to the specified DNIS at the specified Date / Time.
    5. Ideally, have the ability to "single step" the flow, examining variables as you go (like Designer's debugger for Handlers.)
    6. Also, ideally, have the ability to let the flow run at "full speed", but create a detailed log of each step processed, along with the value of every variable along the way.

    Like a lot of people, I am finding some flows are getting incredibly complex and with current tools, they are almost impossible to debug! I routinely add a Common Module to my systems that creates a Participant Data attribute and then appends to it a timestamped value that is passed in. This allows me to create a log of what happened / variable values at key points and so on. This should not be necessary, and only works for main flows - if you use Common Modules, the inability to call one Common Module from another prevents its use.

    Anyway, perhaps not the correct thread for this conversation, but I'd be interested in your thoughts on it. I did create an idea for it here and would appreciate your support!

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 20.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 08-18-2023 10:24
    Edited by Tom Mullen 08-18-2023 10:58

    Hi Paul.

    Not that it matters any longer......

    I no longer have my PureConnect environment online, so I can't confirm the attributes, but I had programming in Attendant (via a custom handler) that let me set any date, time, or ANI I wanted, and it would update the appropriate attributes as the call was forwarded to the profile I wanted to test.  It was great for testing Off Hours or Holiday programming.  It would be great to have this ability in Genesys Cloud.

    Tom Mullen
    Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH

  • 21.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 06-01-2023 15:30

    I share your frustrations Paul.  I also question why there seems to be development resource for shiny roundy buttony things but not for a comments block or foldering hierarchy for flows that you would think would involve some of the same development resources.

    I bet if I raised an idea saying "hey can we round this button, or change the color of that" it would get very few votes and would sit in Community Review until my kids have grandkids.. or at least until after date internationalisation has been delivered, but that would be neck and neck race ;)

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 22.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-12-2023 19:51

    Hey @Vaun McCarthy!

    I thought this might interest you, given your comments above. It appears that there was an Idea for this change ( but there are a few points to note:

    1. It was suggested by an internal Genesys resource - none other than Alejandra Santiago Veiga herself!
    2. It was suggested on January 24th this year - so somehow didn't have to wait the usual delay for consideration.
    3. It only received 2 votes, one of which was from the creator! (I cannot tell if the other is internal to Genesys, or not.)
    4. It only received 4 comments. 2 from the creator and the other two requesting the "sticky zoom" feature mentioned throughout this thread.

    So, yeah. It looks like all Ideas are treated equally, but some are more equal than others.....

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 23.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 06-06-2023 04:58

    I so agree with @Paul Simpson and @Simon Brown regarding the Dark colour schemes, mainly because I am having slight visual impairment and the mainly White page causes me headaches. So this for me is a set-back rather than an improvement, I would rather see something similar as for the API explorer where you can chose. Further I notice that the main flow area the font's are smaller (bad move for me) and yes Zoom not being remembered when switching between edit and published modes and different tasks is a major pain.

    Like Paul noted this is seriously a major time waste project and you should focus on the idea's page to increase the product quality not the graphical presentations for administrators. So mayb e we tehn have now two Negative Jerks but I think it needs to be said. This product is at no level with PureConnect and you will have customers walking away from Genesys. I have been working with PureConnect for 2 decades and I find Cloud CX to be of a lower standard especially the dialler is way less flexible and the use of a single contactlist per active campaign is a major flaw. There should be an override that allows experienced dialler users to be abel to use one contact list with filters. 

    Sorry to sound negative but I think there are many area's where you should improve and as the phrase says "if it aint broken, don't fix it"

    Ruud Reinold
    BNP Paribas Personal Finance UK

  • 24.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 06-21-2023 09:00

    Hi Alejandra,

    I watched the preview video on the Architect UI update, I found this one a bit weird looking and assuming it will be cleaned up before release?

    Jan Heinonen
    Contact Center Specialist
    GlobalConnect AB

  • 25.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 06-21-2023 09:55

    Hi Jan,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    You are correct, that issue has since been corrected in a subsequent dev iteration. Unfortunately we couldn't wait until the final version to create the video, as you can imagine, it needed to be delivered before the GA date to give users as much notice as possible.

    Kind regards,


    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 26.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-07-2023 05:39
      |   view attached

    Hi Community!

    We have exciting news! The new Architect UI will be live in about a week!! Check out what we have prepared for you in this a video with the summary of the most prominent changes you will notice. Here is the link!
    Also, you can check our before/after pdf documentation, uploaded to this post for your reference.

    But don't worry, we have made things a bit easier for everyone. We will be adding a switch button to toggle on/off the new UI so you can make sure everything we have done is just refreshing Architect for you, and all functionality stays the same. The "New Architect" toggle will stay for around 1 month after we officially go live, so you have plenty of time to get used to it.

    Stay tuned to the future release announcements and features comming soon for timelines and specific information.

    Kind regards,



    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 27.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-07-2023 05:54

    Totally floored by the fact you didn't think about visual impaired people the switch form Black/White to White/Black is a massive step backwards for me and really , if stuff isn't broken don't mess with it.

    Did you fix the lost zoom settings when you switch between different tasks? Really rounded buttons are that much more functional? I'm totally NOT excited about this update and I believe that Genesys should put their developers to work on much more important things from the ideas site.


    For me personally this makes working with the Architect a much more cumbersome experience. Who did ask for this in the first place?



    Kind Regards,

    Ruud Reinold



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  • 28.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-12-2023 12:03

    Hi Rudy,

    We are currently reviewing the existing VPAT form and ensuring there is no degradation with regards to the previous Architect UI. 

    As mentioned before, this phase is the first on a series of improvements that we're working to gradually release, and will take into account for a better experience for all users.

    Kind regards,


    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 29.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 11-03-2023 05:16
    Edited by Rudy Christoph 11-03-2023 05:17

    I picked this up from another discussion:

    We recently detected cases where Messenger is not honoring WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines for minimum color contrast (4.5:1). Accessibility is a top priority for us, we are going to fix this in couple of weeks.

    Why don I not get that feeling at all? But more the feeling we are fobbed off when it comes to the Architect UI?

    Ruud Reinold
    BNP Paribas Personal Finance UK

  • 30.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 11-03-2023 10:29

    Hi Rudy,

    Please know that the Architect UI refresh was built using Spark design system components that take care of complying with WCAG 2.1 AA standards in terms of colour contrast:

    Would you elabotare to me or @Amelie Wisniak what concerns do you have in that matter?

    Kind regards,


    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 31.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 11-06-2023 15:04

    @Alejandra Santiago,

    With respect, I suggest you read prior comments on this thread, including those from @Rudy Christoph, where further explanations have been clearly given.

    On 6/6/23 he wrote "I am having slight visual impairment and the mainly White page causes me headaches." On 7/7/23, he went on to say "Totally floored by the fact you didn't think about visual impaired people the switch form Black/White to White/Black is a massive step backwards for me and really , if stuff isn't broken don't mess with it."

    Whilst I don't suffer from the particular issues Rudy mentions, I do find that I am not able to use the new interface for extended periods, as I could the old, without my eyes become extremely tired.

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 32.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 11-06-2023 18:58

    Concerns in this matter:

    1. The font size has changed to a smaller font making reading the data challenging.
    2. The line thickness in the canvas has changed to a thinner line making it for me hard to see the connections
    3. The amount of data on the variables has reduced so I have to scroll more to see all variables (doesn't help my mouse hand)
    4. the canvas size is reduced by at least a third due to the larger static buttons on the top, menu's left and right which has now increased spacing which is taking up valuable development space.
    5. The intensity of the lines from black to grey (or is it because the lines are thinner) doesn't increase readability.
    6. Why don't you look up the suggested enhancements by other developers suggested  as in SSAAOB-I-28, SSAAOB-I-50 and SSAAOB-I-11 (the latter not really anything to do with the GUI presentation as such but something that worked prior to this dreaded change)
    7. Why not open a discussion with a visual impaired developer or create a group where actual customers can feedback directly their experiences, oh wait, that what the community forum is for right?
    8. Maybe just hold your horses and go back to the not-so-broken original and see what really improvements can be made, eg maybe the dark background with a white text rather then a grey text? or putting an coloured (sorry I'm British) edge around the selected item rather then using a darker grey/black to highlight the actual selected node.

    These are just a few of the suggestions I can offer, I'm sure there are many more valuable suggestions available from the forum but I really (and I mean REALLY) do not feel that you take any of the made comments in this thread seriously. It feels like "I have an idea and everyone else, lump it and accept my choices and I don't care about your problems."

    I actually raised this with my vendor as this is REALLY affecting our (what is 5 developers) ability to work with the Architect GUI, after it was changed and I'm pretty confident that we are not alone in this.

    Right I've given my honest feedback and concerns on this "refresh" but I've the feeling they will be ignored just as all the other feedback and concerns raised in this thread (long are the times gone with I3 where we actually could have an open discussion with the developers and come to compromises on GUI issues).

    I'm open to make suggestions for improvements so feel free to contact me (I'm sure all my details are known within Genesys, if not please feel free to sent me a direct message).

    Ruud Reinold
    BNP Paribas Personal Finance UK

  • 33.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 11-17-2023 16:41
    Hi Rudy, hi Paul, 
    Thank you for sharing more information about your concerns with the updated user interface. We do value your feedback and take it seriously. Our design team continuously reviews comments and suggestions from the community and may follow up to learn more. Rest assured that we will keep improving our user interface. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 34.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 11-20-2023 04:59

    Hi Rudy, 

    That you for sharing your concerns and feedback on the Architect UI, we value the comments and suggestions. Our team will reach out to you directly to discuss the issues your team are running into so that you can provide us with more details and we can work towards a solution of improvements. 

    Kind regards,

    Eoin Smith
    Genesys - Employees

  • 35.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-14-2023 16:43

    Like other users I find these issues:

    (1) The left side menu lacks contrast and the lines are spaced too far apart, requiring one to scroll up and down frequently due to the reduced number of viewable items.

    (2) The Object Boxes on the right look bigger than before while the fonts inside them look much smaller, requiring one to zoom out to see more number of boxes but then zoom in to read what's inside the boxes. This contradiction is perplexing and doesn't look to be improvements.

    Since I am the only person in our org to actually use the Architect app, I don't see the point of these changes. They are more frustrating than useful to me. I might question if UI designers have actually spent enough time creating or modifying real call flows in order to experience what it's really like to work for hours using the new UI vs the old.

    My request is to please keep the toggle switch indefinitely, if possible. I would prefer to change to the UI sometime in the future when I do see actual improvements instead of being forced to the new UI in one month.

    Thank you.

    Kun Jin Rhee
    LifeCare Assurance Company

  • 36.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-12-2023 11:59
    Edited by Alejandra Santiago 07-12-2023 12:05

    The new Architect UI is live for all users now!

    Please, check out what we have prepared in this a video with the summary of the most prominent changes you will notice. Here is the link! Also, you can check our before/after pdf documentation, uploaded to this post for your reference.

    But don't worry, we have made things a bit easier for everyone. We have added a switch button to toggle on/off the new UI so you can make sure everything we have done is just refreshing Architect for you, and all functionality stays the same.

    The "New Architect" toggle will stay for around 1 month after we officially go live, so you have plenty of time to get used to it.

    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 37.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-12-2023 16:59

    When will a "Dark Mode" skin be available, Its looking pretty washed out from my perspective. I guess I'll be leaving the toggle off for now.....

    Brian Allison
    Spark New Zealand Trading Limited

  • 38.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 07-12-2023 18:11

    I like the new design overall but have to agree its too white, a dark mode would certainly be appreciated. 

    Anton Vroon

  • 39.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-12-2023 19:09

    OK, so I stand by my previous comments about the need for this, however given that it's happened, here are my thoughts...

    Like others have said, it absolutely needs a Dark Mode, but other than that, I like it overall. (Out of curiosity, does this new color scheme pass accessibility regulations / ADA etc.?)

    I have spent tome time switching backwards and forwards and I notice that some things appear to be larger. This is good in some cases (like operations in the Task view panel) but I see the toolbox is now wider, which it didn't need to be and means less screen space for the central editing panel.

    I actually like having a background color to the task pane as it makes the operations stand out. I see you have preserved the "wider" background color for things like Loop, Switch and Decision when selected, although I would like to see those remain when not selected. (In large flows, this can really help with observing the nesting of the elements. Kinda like indentation in text-based languages.)

    The "lead item" from your video and so on is, IMHO, hardly noticeable. In fact, I had to switch back and forth several times before I spotted buttons having rounded corners.

    I do like that the "help" icons are larger and more noticeable when looking for context-sensitive documentation.

    I do believe you missed an opportunity or two here, though. Obviously, Dark Mode (are you getting the message yet? 😂) but also having the Task panel zoom sticky. I would also like to be able to resize the Toolbox and the Left Hand panel (beyond merely minimizing it to icons).

    If we widen out the scope to functionality as well as aesthetics, the ability to add comments (as mentioned by others) would be a huge add. I would like to see comment opportunity added to the tools as well as a dedicated comment operation (essentially a NOP). I mentioned elsewhere the need to add proper debugging capabilities. Recently, I was reviewing the Loop operation on another thread and notice that the documentation implies the equivalent to a FOREACH and DO UNTIL construct alongside the basic FOR NEXT loop. I have also added an Idea elsewhere to allow multiple values for a single CASE in the SWITCH operation, when configured for "Take the first path that matches an expression" (which, IMHO, should be the default, not "Take the first case that returns True")

    Widening still further, we need to be able to call Common Modules for Common Modules. We also need to be able to upload new prompts or edit a Common Module without having to re-publish everything that depends on them.

    So, yeah, I don't know which I will use (while I have the choice!) Change is difficult and we were comfortable with the old look, which perhaps affects our opinions. For now, I'd give it a C+ or maybe a B- as it stands. Add the Dark Mode to get this up to a solid B. Add the sticky zoom and the Comments if you are looking for an A 😉

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 40.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-13-2023 00:27

    Hi all,

    I just wanted to share my feedback also. 

    • Dark mode would be great if users could toggle this option on/off from the bar at the top.
    • Text in the flow is really small.  Even when you zoom in, the font for the items in the flow are unreadable at some zoom levels.  Could we have access to setting a font size?  The font of the options on the left are huge, so in comparison to the flow, it a big contrast.
    • I feel like the spacing between objects in the flow is much larger, so it forces the user to zoom a lot more. 
    • Object Boxes are too large.  The boxes are huge with tiny font, so i feel that from a user perspective the space isn't well utilised.

    Here's comparisons below both at the same zoom level in Architect.  The old one is much easier on the eyes with the font size.

    Architect Object Size
    Old Architect Object

    The theme and everything is looks fantastic, team has done a great job, just hoping that more accessibility options are available to those with impairments, as UI's should be allowing users to customise how they view things for their preference. 

    Robert Niblock

  • 41.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-14-2023 19:42

    I would like to add that my initial thoughts on the Architect UI Refresh are that the fonts are too small and often illegible, and the lack of color contrast is problematic. Dark mode is a must as we have a very large team of Architect users (over 50) and many have shared frustration with the lack of contrast from a legibility perspective.

    It sounds like these challenges are going to be addressed, and I really appreciate that this was released with an on/off toggle. 

    Brad Shoptaw
    ADP, LLC

  • 42.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-12-2023 18:14

    I find the reduces contrast make viewing things difficult. Remove th background colour for starters


    Mike Hardie

  • 43.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-13-2023 03:04
    Edited by Muhammad Zubair Awan 07-13-2023 03:07


    Good to see user Logout option and Help dropdown on landing page but based on the overall look and feel my feedback as below

    • Its too white thus not attractive. It needs some nice contrast.
    • Dark Mode theme is much needed with this change but do not use high contrast
    • Its more like a comfy view if you like, I would love to see compact view option too.
    • With default zoom settings of Task & State editor pane, its very hard to read so needs some adjustments there.
    • When an Object block is selected within Task & State editor pane, it would be great to be able to adjust the width of right hand pane. Also a button to hide it.
    • When an Object block is selected, clicking on the ground should de-select the block thus hiding the right hand pane. 


  • 44.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-13-2023 09:03

    My initial feedback from having done some testing today is ... not positive, unfortunately.

    One benefit I have seen is that loading blocks where we were doing large amounts of Get / Set Participant Data is much more responsive. Before this would cause Architect to lock up for ~10 minutes, now it is much better. 

    I also like that collections (e.g. string collections) in Update Data blocks are expanded, although I'd like it to minimise these if it is e.g. over 10 items. 10 items or less = show expanded, more than 10 items = require a click.


    My main response, beyond the colour / contrast difficulties as mentioned by others, is the sizing. Something seems really off.

    • Before, I would have my browser set to about 75% Zoom level and would use the "flow zoom" slider to zoom in / out. The font in the blocks was still largely readable even without having to zoom in hugely.
    • Now, I have to zoom in extremely far in the slider, or zoom my browser window in. If I zoom the browser window in, all the UI elements are huge. I don't know how anyone could work with these at 100% normally.
    • So instead, I use the zoom slider in the flow to make the font size in the blocks readable, but this means that there is a huge amount of space not utilised. 
    • In these two images I'm at the same zoom level in browser and slider, in the old Architect view I can see the cases in the switch, in the new one I can't even see that switch itself. So I have to do a lot more scrolling, and the flow overall is a lot harder to follow. The font is also less readable.
    • I have to go an extra level of zoom in to make the font readable, so I end up losing even more visibility - it's a double whammy that there is extra space anyway and I have to zoom in more to make it usable, thereby reducing the view size.
    • You can also see how many fewer Reusable Tasks I can see in the left hand pane (26 in new vs 41 in old view). We use flows with a lot of tasks this is a big negative.
    • Again, in this list, the font size has changed and so we see less of the task names, too. This panel is not resizable either so basically we just can't see as much as before.

    Overall I'm quite frustrated that this change is coming as it seems to be a negative update, to me.

    James Dunn
    Pitney Bowes Inc.

  • 45.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-13-2023 09:30

    I share a lot of the frustration and the comments, but lets also not lose sight of the statement from Alejandra Santiago  

    With regards to the future release in this post, it lays out foundational changes to build a series of key usability enhancements and UX related features. Foundations without we wouldn't be able to consider changes such as dark mode or improvements to the canvas' zoom for example.

    As long as this leads to the improvements we are all crying out for then I personally do not mind the short term pain. As long as these improvements and enhancements are coming thick and fast.


    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 46.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-13-2023 09:58

    @Simon Brown,

    You make a fair point, however I also believe that many of the points made in this thread are valid and need making. Remember, this was a change which, it would seem from the Ideas site, nobody actually asked for or wanted.

    As @Alejandra Santiago and her team review next steps and future developments, including their relative urgency, it important that they are given honest and complete feedback. Certainly, unless they ignore this thread entirely, I think we can expect a Dark Mode and a "Sticky Zoom" soon! I am somewhat confused as to why, according to the statement you quoted, this change was necessary as a precursor to a Dark Mode, given that the old interface essentially had that, but then what do I know?

    My concern is that, as is often the case, when this team are bidding for developer resources, those that schedule those resources will have the view that they just had a refresh and so can't expect another in the immediate future. I don't know if that is how the Genesys Cloud Product Management process works, but I have seen this approach far too many times to discount it. Our comments on this thread will actually help add weight to the argument.

    Now, I know I am arguing against myself a bit with the next point but I, along with others, are getting increasingly frustrated by the effort that is put into cosmetic changes, which are not essential, whilst improved functionality requests appear to be ignored. It is my belief that this update has, for many people, broken the system and that needs to be remedied quickly, but after that they need to leave the UI alone and focus on getting Genesys Cloud up to feature parity with PureConnect before that product finally goes away. Not doing so may well lead to customers leaving Genesys all together, which I don't think any of us on this forum want!

    Finally, I'm afraid I cannot agree with you about "short term pain". I do mind it. For some commenters here, this is a retrograde step and makes the product difficult, if not impossible to use. Those with disabilities and medical conditions, for example, appear to be disproportionately affected. Technology today is both fast paced and fickle. The longer this "pain" lasts, the greater the chance that customers will see it as a reason to leave to product (I have seen people jump ship for less) or not choose it in the first place. It's not just about the "pain" either, it's also about the apparent cavalier attitude displayed by Genesys about this which, were I to be in a position to be selecting a new Contact Center platform for my company, would make me question how responsive Genesys are to their customer's stated needs. On it's own, this change might not have these dire consequences, but taken as part of the overall picture....

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 47.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-13-2023 10:10

    @Paul Simpson not an argument from me on what you have said, I did add; as long as the changes are coming thick and fast.

    I have been in development long enough to know that sometimes the foundations need reworking to introduce new functionality. On the face of it the changes all look cosmetic, and unfortunately for Genesys (IMHO) they really should have listened and added Dark mode and sticky task level zoom to this release.

    I would also add that Architect and flows is just one aspect of the eco-system and I would not be recommending other cloud providers based on that alone.

    Even if not ideal, it is still a very good feature rich editor compared to some I have used in the past.

    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 48.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-13-2023 10:37

    @Simon Brown,

    Agreed! I too have been around the block a few times and am aware that sometimes, apparent useless changes are needed to support later useful ones. In that case, more information can help calm the rabid masses! If this change is a precursor to actual functionality changes, I'm less annoyed, but if it's only a precursor to more cosmetic ones...

    My comments concerning platform selection should be taken in the light of PureConnect becoming EOL and the GLARING functionality gap between that product and Geensys Cloud. How long have we been asking for Agent Greetings, for example? Or repeating Schedules for Outbound? Or recording of internal calls? Or.... Still, we have nice pretty rounded-corner buttons to make up for it. 😜

    The fact that Genesys choose to prioritize apparent cosmetic changes to an administrative interface over these other needs, combined with their lack of listening to feedback on "theme" (as you point out) speaks volumes about where their priorities lie and IMHO, THAT is the problem.

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 49.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 08-03-2023 07:03

    The following idea has been created for supporting "Dark Mode" in Architect:

    We encourage all interested customers and partners to express their support for this idea through votes, comments, and sharing their use cases. Your active participation will help us better understand the demand and impact of this feature, and demonstrate its importance to the wider user community.

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 50.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-13-2023 09:42

    Definitely not a fan and will keep using what is in place.  Hard to read and see everything especially with large flows. Why are the task boxes so huge?  

    Patrice West
    Interstate Gas Supply, Inc.

  • 51.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-18-2023 10:11

    Hi All,

    I have been persevering with the new view today, and I echo a lot of what has been said by other commenters on this thread: 

    1. There is far to much white on the screen, compared with the light grey buttons on some of the screen has had me squinting to see what I need to press. This has resulted in me deleting some of my statements created in the right config section. 
    2. Padding - Around all aspects of the new view results in far to much scrolling, for large flows this can be frustrating. Nodes and boxes are taking up far to much real estate on the screen. 
    3. Whilst I appreciate the updated font and smoother boxes, the font is too small in places.
    4. When in view mode all configured items are greyed out (quite rightly so), however the light grey makes it impossible to read what is configured. Therefore to view the document I need to go into edit mode even if I do not intend to make any changes.

    I beg you not to remove the toggle button in August, please allow us to use the old UI until some of these issues have been addressed.

    KR Hannah

    hannah wrigley
    Bupa Insurance Service Limited

  • 52.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-19-2023 06:40

    Hi. I've not used the new version for very long as I find the older version easier to see - please do not remove the toggle switch just yet.  While I like the new style, the font and the soft edges, I too would like more contrast on the screen so that the buttons and grey fonts stand out more.

    Cheryl Weblin
    Bupa Insurance Service Limited

  • 53.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-31-2023 11:32

    Hi Cheryl,

    Thank you for the feedback. We are always looking to make improvements and these comments are invaluable to us. Can you perhaps provide more detail around where you are experiencing this issue to guide us in working towards a resolution.

    Colin Finnegan
    Genesys - Employees

  • 54.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-19-2023 17:57

    I like the more modern feel font and style, but the new version is difficult to use as there is not enough contrast (fonts and lines) and the line around nodes etc are too thin so items don't stand out. I find the older version easier to use as it had greater contrast. You need to consider users' eyesight.

    Please do not remove the toggle switch until you have increased the contrast. 

    Greg Wallace
    Spark New Zealand Trading Limited

  • 55.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-26-2023 10:03

    Dear customers and partners, 

    We wanted to take a moment to address the feedback we have received regarding the recent upgrade to our user interface. Your input is valuable to us, and we appreciate the comments some of you shared. 

    First, we understand how crucial accessibility is, and we want to assure you that increasing accessibility for all our users was one of the goals behind this upgrade. However, we acknowledge that some of the changes may have caused challenges, particularly for those previously depending on the navigation bar high color contrast. Our team is reviewing your feedback and we plan to continuously improve the user experience. Rest assured that we are working diligently to ensure that everyone can navigate and engage with our product seamlessly. 

    As we continue to fine-tune the user interface, we will keep you informed about the progress and any upcoming changes. Your support and understanding during this process are genuinely appreciated. 

    If you have any additional suggestions or concerns, do not hesitate to share them with us. We are here to listen and work together to make our platform even better. 

    Thank you for being a part of our community! 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 56.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-26-2023 10:19

    May I suggest the following:

    Prior to making any drastic changes to the layout and colour schemes, do a mock-up of the suggested changes and the results they will cause in the User Interface. Pass the thoughts through the forum so we can evaluate and put a vote towards the best possible outcome for the users rather than making the changes and having to revise the work done to incorporate all the suggestions. it saves use of valuable development time and additional frustration and anxiety among the users that the product suddenly gets less usable/navigable for users. Ultimately provide multiple selectable colour scheme's which you can choose from in a user related setting. 

    Ruud Reinold
    BNP Paribas Personal Finance UK

  • 57.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-27-2023 19:49

    Hi Alejandra,

    I agree with most of the negative feedback of the new UI.

    Who thought have grey fonts with a grey background was a good idea?

    And the tools bar is way too big and make you scroll down were you didn't need to before.

    If you are going to change that at least move the Settings to the bottom as it only seldom used compared to the tasks and Menus etc.

    Not impressed at all and please don't remove the switch until you fix it up.

    Michael Lechte
    Senior Pre-sales, Tech Support Specialist
    QPC Australia

  • 58.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 07-31-2023 11:02

    Hi Michael,

    Thank you for taking the time to give your feedback. We will be making iterative improvements to the Architect UI going forward and your comments can guide us.

    Are there particular areas where you are experiencing contrast issues, i.e. grey background and grey text? The visibility of items in the toolbar is something that we are aware of and hope to make improvements on in the near future.

    Colin Finnegan
    Genesys - Employees

  • 59.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 08-03-2023 07:12

    Hi all, 

    The following idea has been created for supporting "Dark Mode" in Architect:

    We encourage all interested customers and partners to express their support for this idea through votes, comments, and sharing their use cases. Your active participation will help us better understand the demand and impact of this feature, and demonstrate its importance to the wider user community.

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 60.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 08-14-2023 15:51

    Wow, 11 days and switched to "Not Currently Planned" Must of thought long and had about that one. Seems like we are going to be stuck with New Architects substandard visual layout. Thanks Genesys, good to know that you understand whats good for us. 

    Another observation, apart from the fanfare from Genesys when this was first announced, ive never seen this active thread appear in my daily Digest emails! 

    Brian Allison
    Spark New Zealand Trading Limited

  • 61.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 08-14-2023 16:35

    Hopefully this isn't the same as "Will Not Implement".  My experience over the last couple of years seems to have proven that if someone @ Genesys accidentally or even intentionally marks something as will not implement, they no longer even look at or respond to comments on those ideas.

    Let's just hope this one was a mistake and it gets correctly put back to community review or something similar.  I'm getting cries from the vision impaired community for Genesys to really up their game in the whole UI/theme/scheme area and either allow for some level of customisation (which realy could just be some type of org level CSS settings) or at the very least get and take on board real feedback :)

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 62.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 08-14-2023 17:54

    Totally agree with @Brian Allison and @Vaun McCarthy! What I find interesting is that part of the justification for this "improvement" was to set the groundwork for future UI features like a dark mode, sticky zoom etc.....

    We just need to keep the pressure on!

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 63.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 08-17-2023 07:05

    We appreciate your feedback and concern regarding the recent status change of the Dark Mode idea to "Not Currently Planned." We acknowledge the benefits of implementing a dark mode and understand its importance to the community. 

    We want to clarify that this designation doesn't indicate that "Dark Mode" will never be implemented, but rather that due to current resource constraints and team dependencies, we are not able to prioritize it in the next three months. The implementation of this feature is contingent upon prioritization by our design system teams. This step is crucial to ensure seamless integration and consistency within our platform.

    As part of our desire to improve visibility into our upcoming initiatives, we are working on cleaning up and streamlining our backlog. That's why you may see several tickets recently updated. All ideas in the "Not Currently Planned" status are still open to gather votes and comments, and we review them regularly for potential implementation in future roadmaps. You can read this status as "Future Consideration."

    Thank you for your understanding and patience. We are committed to continually improving our product, and your engagement is crucial in shaping our direction. We greatly appreciate your ongoing support and we are excited to announce that Sticky Zoom is coming in the upcoming weeks! 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 64.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 08-30-2023 10:56

    I did add this comment to the Dark Mode idea on the Ideas Portal, but wanted to also list here for discussion.

    Since the addition of Dark Mode seems to be out into the future a ways (not currently scheduled), could I suggest the ability to use "themes" or "skins" for the Architect interface?  

    ie: The ability to have multiple "themes" that could be created to specify colors for each type of item (text, graphical elements, etc) by type.   For an initial release, simply the ability to define colors in themes would be useful, but longer term would be nice to specify fonts, font sizes, etc (understand that this is more difficult due to spacing/sizing and may depend on screen size/resolution - so would not expect this part in a "first" release of a theming capability).

    So with theming, a Dark Mode could simply be one theme provided.  Genesys then could create a couple of simple themes allowing the user to select, and if Genesys allowed the user the ability to create their own themes (whether through a UI to let you do it easily, or even just simply being able to upload a JSON definition of a theme (that the user would have to manually edit in a text editor) would be sufficient for an initial release (and perhaps even preferable).   Tons of examples of graphical dev environment / other dev tools supporting themes (or even MS Windows itself).  

    This way if someone has issues with the implementation of Dark Mode for instance, they would be able to change it themselves, or be able to create an entirely custom them.

    Brian Raynor
    Principal Architect
    Verizon Business Group

  • 65.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 08-30-2023 12:17


    I saw your comment over on the Idea.

    I agree with you, and in an ideal world, this would be fantastic. Ordinarily, I am not a fan of the MVP approach to development, but in this instance I would hate to see the ability to switch to a Dark Theme get delayed due to the additional overhead of providing a customizable theming framework. That's my only concern.

    We shall see!

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 66.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 08-17-2023 03:26

    As many others already stated, in overall the improvements are great. 
    However, some more contrast would be very much appreciated. Especially the gray parts are in some areas very difficult to read (see example below)

    Rolph Lieverse
    CED Nederland B.V.

  • 67.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 08-17-2023 04:17

    Am I correct that the 'print' option is now only available when the 'edit' functionality is active. 
    This was different in the old version where the print button is availble in the 'view' function. 

    Any reason why this has been done?

    Rolph Lieverse
    CED Nederland B.V.

  • 68.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 08-17-2023 05:56
    Edited by Amelie Wisniak 08-17-2023 05:58

    Thank you to everyone who provided feedback following our recent user interface upgrade. We have been actively working on addressing some of the concerns raised, and we are excited to announce the following improvements are coming:

    1. Improved Canvas: We have improved the readability of the canvas by increasing the font size and decreasing spacing, to ensure the optimal amount of visible elements on the canvas. This change is now live. 
    2. Improved Nav Bar: We are reducing the spacing between elements in the Nav Bar and maximizing the number of reusable tasks displayed to improve the nav bar readability. Timeline: ~ <1 week
    3. Sticky Zoom: Last but not least, we are enhancing the readability of the flow by introducing a sticky zoom that retains the Zoom level when jumping from task to task. Timeline: ~ 2 weeks

    We will keep the toggle enabling users to revert to the previous version of Architect until those three improvements become available. We understand that some of you were looking forward to experiencing a Dark Mode (we are too!) before we phase out the toggle. We explored this option, and due to current resource constraints and team dependencies, we are not able to accommodate this request. Keeping the toggle longer causes delays in Architect improvements since it requires the maintenance and testing of two user interfaces. However, please be assured that we have heard you and Dark Mode remains on our radar! 

    We will turn on the new user interface to all users around September 6th, and to ensure a smooth transition, we strongly encourage everyone to start using the new interface as soon as possible.

    We greatly appreciate your support, understanding, and patience. 

    Thank you for being part of our community!

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 69.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 08-17-2023 12:13

    Hi Amelie,

    That is good news, particularly the sticky zoom!

    Regarding the Dark Mode (and some of the comments on this thread and elsewhere) it seems to me that there is a lot of demand for it, but no objection to it. Indeed, for some people it is essential for usability and I'd be curious to know if it falls under the ADA?

    Anyway, I can appreciate that providing a toggle to enable / disable Dark Mode could be a challenge and not something to be quickly / easily implemented. May I suggest a compromise? If only one "look and feel" is possible in the short term, how about just forcing Dark Mode until it can be made optional? Unless I am mistaken, the coloring / look is done via CSS, so it would only be a case of specifying the appropriate colors in there. This would be closer to the existing (pre latest update) functionality and so doubtless be more popular.

    I may be wrong, but anyone out there care to comment if they feel that Light Mode is preferable and who would be caused difficulty if the only option were Dark?

    Just a thought....

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 70.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 08-31-2023 09:57

    Noticed recent changes and sticky zoom, fantastic!

    One observation since sticky zoom, I have noticed that occasionally I click a line to add a toolbox item and I do NOT get the context menu appearing.

    I think this may be related to a zoom change in a reusable task.

    I found I have to open a different reusable task, then go back to my working Task for the context menu to work again.

    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 71.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 09-01-2023 07:41

    Hi Simon,

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We've identified the issue and we are targeting to release a fix for it next week.

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 72.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 08-17-2023 13:36

    Hi Rolph,

    That is correct. We had to move things around slightly to reduce the number of items in that section of the UI due to sizing constraints. The Print option is now available within the Save multi-button as you have noted. That button changes state when a flow is locked so the menu tied to it is no longer accessible. If this is an issue for you, please feel free to reach out to me so that we can understand it further.

    Colin Finnegan
    Genesys - Employees

  • 73.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 09-01-2023 10:26

    Dear community members,

    As we've previously communicated, we've been actively working to enhance the Architect experience, and we're excited to announce that the following improvements are now live:

    • Improved Canvas: We've enhanced the readability of the canvas by increasing the font size and optimizing spacing, ensuring an optimal display of visible elements.
    • Improved Nav Bar: Our team has reduced spacing between elements in the Nav Bar, maximizing the display of reusable tasks to improve readability.
    • Sticky Zoom: We've introduced a sticky zoom feature that retains your preferred zoom level when navigating from task to task, enhancing the overall flow of your experience.
    • Improved color contrast in flows:  We've improved the color contrast of fields when viewing a flow (not in "edit" mode) to facilitate readability.

    With these enhancements now available, we will remove the option to revert to the old user interface. Starting on September 6, this option will no longer be available.

    We understand that transitions can be challenging, and we want to reassure you that we have made this decision to provide a more intuitive user experience for all our users. We firmly believe that the improvements we've introduced will be the foundations to enhance your overall interaction with Architect.

    We genuinely appreciate your support, understanding, and patience throughout this process.

    Thank you for being part of our community and for helping us make Architect even better.

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 74.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 09-01-2023 11:08


    Sticky zoom is a welcome feature, it seems that some improvements have been made to visibility.

    What I don't understand is why everything been made bigger, I'm using a 1920x1080 screen and it feels like I can't fit enough on the screen.
    I would also want the toolbox items to have less spacing both in and between the boxes.

    There a big difference on what fits on the screen after the update with the same zoom setting

    This is also an example of someone working with 1600x900 and 125% scale, which I would guess isn't that uncommon setup

    On my 4K display it's quite nice, but we can't expect everyone to be using that.
    The minimum requirement still seems to be 1024x768, but testing that I'll doubt anyone would get any work done.

    Jan Heinonen
    Contact Center Specialist
    GlobalConnect AB

  • 75.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 09-01-2023 11:26

    Improved Canvas: The canvas is 1/3 smaller (not an improvement) I now need to scroll much more. Poor readability due to a smaller font size. less information on the right hand side from 4 attribute entries to 3 and in a much smaller font as well. This is NOT an improvement it's a failure

    Improved Nav Bar: The spacing between the two clearly hasn't improved Another FAIL

    Old UI and NEW UI
    Old vs New buttons
    OLD vs NEW

    Sticky Zoom: Since the sticky zoom the zoom slider often is not selectable and I first have to click on something else to get then the slider. Not an improvement but a hinderance.

    Improved color contrast in flows: You think that the contrast is better? I don't find this better, its absolutely terrible 

    OLD vs NEW
    I do not understand what you are trying to do but I really think you need to take the feedback of your users seriously before you are hit by lawsuits for making your product management worse. If you take away the old setting deliver at least a similar experience and you're not doing that you delivering a rubbish experience.
    I will raise a complaint with my reseller about this because you make my life (and seen from all the feedback in this thread you don't seem to take very seriously) many others worse.

    Ruud Reinold
    BNP Paribas Personal Finance UK

  • 76.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 09-11-2023 11:21

    We've raised this with our Reseller and a formal Genesys ticket has been logged for this: Genesys Architect Change (0003363510) as this change has caused serious distress with our developers:

    Anyone should raise their own ticket with your Genesys SDM, if you're struggling with this new UI.

    Ruud Reinold
    BNP Paribas Personal Finance UK

  • 77.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 09-04-2023 11:47

    Hi @Amelie Wisniak,

    I'm glad to see that there have been some improvements to the color contrast, but it would be nice if the older, more noticeable contrast colors were still available via user preference after the toggle switch is removed.  Would this be a possibility that the team could investigate?  Thanks for the efforts to improve the Architect interface.


    Brad Shoptaw
    Design Engineer IV
    ADP, INC.
    Denver, CO United States

  • 78.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 11-17-2023 09:00

    Maybe a strange question, but are does ID's in the black boxes also retrievable within a variable ? (the ones for tasks, and actions within a task, next to the title)
    Would like to use those nice UI ID for logging.

    Kind regards

    Koen Dedeurwaerder
    NTT Belgium NV/SA

  • 79.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 11-17-2023 11:36


    I assume you are referring to something akin to $PrevStepID in PureConnect Handlers?

    I don't believe there is one, no. I have a Common Module that updates a logging Participant Data attribute amd call it every time something worth noting happens (like failure paths taken unexpectedly.) I just hard code the previous step ID into my message, but would LOVE to have a generic value to use!

    Paul Simpson

  • 80.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 11-17-2023 12:19

    Hi Paul, 

    We have indeed a logging with Participant data, 
    But we were using hardcoded the number. 

    Problem is when exporting and reimporting these flows all these numbers get refreshed to new ordering.  
    So the logging gets invalid.

    Action Numbers

    Koen Dedeurwaerder
    NTT Belgium NV/SA

  • 81.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 11-17-2023 12:29

    Those action numbers are not settable.  Use the name field on the actions to make them unique, i.e. "Transfer to ACD failure", "Transfer to ACD timeout", etc

    Melissa Bailey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 82.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 11-17-2023 12:37


    This is obviously what we have to do right now, but it is inefficient when dealing with large flows. Say I have 10 ACD transfers to work with, I can't just copy and paste the same logging instruction, but have to edit each with details to uniquely identify it.

    IF it were possible to access either the previous, or current step ID / Name, then you could dynamically reference it and simply copy and paste.

    Unfortunately, proper logging and debug facilities is sorely lacking in Genesys Cloud. I have an idea posted here proposing some enhancements.

    Paul Simpson

  • 83.  RE: Architect User Interface Refresh

    Posted 11-20-2023 05:23

    Hi Melissa,
    I dont need them settable, i would like to call them from within the script, this so we can use it for logging.
    Otherwise if the numbers are in the Yaml Export as well, that could solve it too.

    Currently the numbers will be changed when doing Archy or export to Yaml.  As the numbers are not present in the export file.

    Kind regards

    Koen Dedeurwaerder
    NTT Belgium NV/SA

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