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  • 1.  August 2022 Instructor of the month

    Posted 08-15-2022 13:20

    Rafael Marciano is our featured Instructor of the Month for August!


    Rafael first started with Genesys in 2010, when he received a "Passport" from a Genesys partner company that he worked for. Back at that time, there were no Virtual trainings available to take in Genesys, and Rafael had to travel to get trained. In parallel to the training he was receiving, he also started to gain some experience with knowledge transfer. He needed to "teach" Genesys to the customers where he had the opportunity to implement the Genesys Engage solution. During those travels to receive training Rafael met Ary Kisinovsky, the Genesys Instructor responsible for delivering courses in Latin America at that time. Since Rafael was present in almost every course Ary delivered, he became a known face to me. In early 2013, Genesys opened a Technical Instructor position, to which I registered for, having Ary's referral (thanks, Ary! 😊) and on June 3rd, 2013 Rafael became a Technical Instructor in Genesys to mainly support the NALA region. Since then, he is dedicated to deliver trainings about Genesys Engage and, recently (2019), Genesys Cloud CX.

    Rafael teaches a lot of training classes. Below is a list of what he can teach:

    Engage Courses: Framework, eServices, SIP Server, Outbound Contact, Genesys Interaction Recording, Info Mart, Genesys CX Insights (GCXI), Composer, CIM Troubleshooting, and SDK.

    Genesys Cloud CX Courses: Implementation, Contact Center Administration, Reporting and Analytics, Scripting, Architect, Outbound Dialer, Workforce Management, Quality Management, API, and Secure Call flows Workshop.

    Rafael does not have any specialization, but he particularly enjoys Routing and Reporting (in both Engage and Cloud solutions). Initially he used to hate Reporting, but after spending some time building Routing strategies back in his field days, he learned the hard way that the only way that business people have to know that the routing is working the way it should is through reporting. He ended up learning about that "science" as well and ended up enjoying it.

    Rafael does not have a particular favorite class to teach, but a few ones: From Engage: Composer classes and Reporting classes (Pulse, InfoMart and GCXI). From Genesys Cloud: Architect, Scripting and the Secure Call Flows Workshop are the ones he enjoys the most lately. The main reason, he believes, is because those courses are about Routing and Reporting, which are topics he has enjoyed to work with even before he became an instructor. Routing and script development sometimes require some creative thinking to achieve objectives and being able to see the final result is simply amazing. Also, during classes, Rafael always ends up learning something new from the students' experience about those topics, or to analyze something he already knew from a different angle. With reporting is no different: it's not just a matter of reading the statistics: having the opportunity to let others understand how to interpret them and explain how they are calculated is great, since he heard a lot (again, back to my field days) that the "reports are presenting missing data", or "it is not accurate" or simply "that report is wrong"! As Rafael use to say to my students: "Not necessarily the report is wrong. It can be, but maybe it's just a misinterpretation of the data itself".

    Rafael likes to travel (one of the things he misses the most as an instructor!), playing videogames, listen to music and watch movies / series. A fun fact about Rafael is that despite being Brazilian, he doesn't like soccer, he does not know how to dance Samba, and he does not like one of the most typical Brazilian drinks, called "caipirinha"! Another fun fact that most people don't believe it: he is a shy person (well… being an instructor helped me get over it a little, but he still considers himself a shy person)! One of Rafael's favorite vacation spots is Ubatuba, a city considered a seaside resort located 250 km southeast of São Paulo. He has been there a few times with his family and always enjoyed the attractions, the cuisine, the beaches and the nature.

    Rafael currently lives in São Paulo, Brazil (LATAM) with his wife, his 4-year daughter, his beagle Milu and him and his wife are expecting the newest member of the family to be born! Rafael has been teaching classes from home (although he wouldn't complain to have ILT trainings for a change). The lifestyle in São Paulo is crazy, everybody seems to be in a rush or late for something but, on the other hand, if you allow yourself to slow down a little, you can have a good time since there is always something interesting to do, from cultural activities, sightseeing and shows to gastronomy events, restaurants and pubs.

    Let us know if you've enjoyed classes with Rafael or have a memory that stands out!



    Kristi Croker
    Genesys - Employees
    Manager, Global Delivery

  • 2.  RE: August 2022 Instructor of the month

    Posted 08-15-2022 16:16
    We are lucky to have you, Rafael! And....I'm dying to know where to get that ice cream sundae! Yummy :)

    Shannon Blackwell
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: August 2022 Instructor of the month

    Posted 08-16-2022 08:44
    Hi Rafael,

    It's been a pleasure working with you! Lovely pics :)

    Sheela Sridharan
    Sr. Program Manager - Certification
    Genesys Beyond

  • 4.  RE: August 2022 Instructor of the month

    Posted 08-16-2022 10:09
    Rafael you are Rock! And I am very grateful with the attention and classes that I had with you!

    Suzi Leao
    Genesys - Employees

  • 5.  RE: August 2022 Instructor of the month

    Posted 08-16-2022 10:22
    So nice to get to know a bit more about you, my friend. Thank you so much for all the help during this time here. It is a pleasure to work with such an amazing person as you.

    Rodrigo Romao
    Genesys - Employees

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